The meet

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*you visit Mirabel to give her some fruits she had asked for the day before*
*knock knock*
Y/N: He-Hello..??.
•you turn around and go as far as 2 steps•
??: Hi
•you turn around again•
Y/N: Oh hi! Im looking for Mirabel. I brought some fruits she asked for..
??: oh I see,
•he looks you up and down•
??: My name is Camilo, Mirabel didn't tell me she had some pretty cute friends *he smirks*
Y/N: ahaha... thanks.. *you smile nervously*... C-Can I..? Can I come in?..
Camilo: Oh yes! Of course I'm sorry haha. Come on in.
He lets you come inside and you search for mirabel.
Camilo: she's probably up in the nursery, come, I'll lead you the way
Y/N: Oh Thank you!
Camilo: you're very welcome
*you make it to Mirabel*
Y/N: Hi Mirabel!! *you hug*
Mirabel: Hi Y/N! Im so glad you're here!
Camilo: Me too *wink*
Mirabel: Camilo, whaat are you doing 🤨
Camilo: *rolling his eyes* hey. I'm just helping her, what's your name?
Y/N: Oh it's Y/N
Camilo: Okay, nice to know
*camilo leaves*
Mirabel: Sorry about my cousin, he can be weird sometimes hahah...
Y/N *giggles* it's okay! He's kind of..
Mirabel: Yeah?
Y/N: Never mind haha, I've got to go now! See you later!
*you both say goodbye, and you step out of the room and see Camilo standing there*
Y/N: *lets out a small gasp* Oh.. Camilo!
Camilo: Yes!?!?
Y/N you scared me there haha..
Camilo: whoops, sorry amo-amazing FRIEND 😊
*he escorts you out*
Y/N: Alright Camilo, Goodbye!
Camilo: Bye Y/N! Are you coming to visit again tomorrow?
Y/N: oh I'm not sure..
Camilo: oh ok. *disappointed*
You come back to your house and get ready to go to bed, you lay down, close your eyes and sleep 5 minutes.. 20.. probably the whole night passes by in one whole dream..
When you open your eyes you see it's broad daylight and you get ready to go into town
You see Mirabel in town and come up to her
Y/N: Hi Mirabel! How are you!
Mirabel: Hi Y/N!! I am SOOO glad to see you right now! *she hugs you*
Y/N: oh Im flattered Haha!
Mirabel: No, seriously! Camilo insisted he come with me and he will not leave me alone!
Y/N: Oh?
Mirabel: Yeah, so how are you?
Y/N: Im good! *you see Camilo step out of a clothing store*
Y/n's mind: Oh it's him
You guess he notices you since he runs very fast towards you
*he shoved Mirabel out of the way*
Mirabel: wOAHh!
Camilo: Hi Y/N!! Nice to see you here
*you giggle*
Camilo: You're very cute when you laugh WHAAAAT???
Y/N: what?
Camilo: Nothing!!
*jokingly flirting* Y/N: you're not too bad yourself Cutie *smirk*

Camilo turns his head around to hide his face

he replies with "why th-"
He gets shoved over
Mirabel: Camilo! How did you know that Y/N was going to be at town today!
Camilo: I've seen your texts with her
Mirabel looking very-confused
Mirabel: you what now?
Camilo: ..

You see Camilo rubbing his chin looking down at the ground

You start to speak more with camilo getting to know him better
You go shopping for about 3 hours and at sundown you say goodbye to The madrigal cousins
You're about to go to sleep when you hear your phone chime
You open it and see it's a text from a random number
"Hi Y/N, it's Camilo"
You reply with " Oh hi Camilo! Howd you get my number?"
C:"Mirabel gave it to me"
Y/n:"Oh right, that makes sense"
You say goodnight to him and go to sleep at last

Y/n X Camilo Madrigal { sorry discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now