The birthday

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It's the day of Dolores' birthday (wooo!) and so Y/N is about to get ready when she realizes she forgot to pick out Dolores' Birthday Gift.

8:30 AM
You wake up to the warm sun light hitting your face. You stretch and stare outside your window for a bit.
You get up, get ready, and finally.. time to eat 🍽
You make empanadas de papa (potatoes) and eat maybe 2 or 3. When you're done you brush your teeth and get ready to shower. (Time skip) out of the shower you get some light makeup done and you brush your hair. You're about to leave the house when you realize you forgot to get a gift for Dolores
Y/N: Oh my god! How can I forget!
You try not to say much so Dolores doesn't find out. You keep quiet and head to the store to pick something out for her.
You see a really pretty gold chain necklace with a little heart. You convinced yourself to buy it because it was 47.99 and it compliments her skin as well. You buy it and it came really well wrapped.
Y/N: how cute :)
You put it in a small gift bag and finally, you went on the way to La Casa Madrigal
You enter and you ask where to put your gift, a man leads you to a table full of presents and gifts. It had 10.. no, 16 nvm, 27! There was so many gifts it would probably take like 2-3 hours to open them all! You place your gift and write down who it was from in a nice handwriting.
You make your way to the where the PARTYY is at 🍾
Y/N Heyy! I'm here
You say walking up to Mirabel
Mirabel: Oh my god Hii! Soo how you beeen???
Y/N: I've been good! What about you?
Mirabel: Oh IVE been great 😊😊😊
Y/N: aaa I'm so glad! Where's Dolores? I wanna I wanna wish her a happy birthday!
Mirabel: Ohh, uhm she.. I think she's still getting ready..
Y/N: Oh ok that's fine!
Mirabel: Yeah, anyways wanna help out? I think we need it lol
Y/N: Yeah sure! It's the least I can do for you guys!
Mirabel: okay you Can start by calling everyone to come eat breakfast
Y/N: got it :)
*you start to go up the stairs knocking doors and telling people to come eat breakfast. You close Isabella's door and come up to Camilo's door. You open it*
Y/N: Camilo, come eat bre-. *when you open it fully you see Camilo changing shirts.* he looks at you not surprised at all. No expression. He looks back at you and wolf whistles, with no expression he's more focused on putting his shirt on than he is on you. Obviously
You don't have any of it and just close the door. You seem annoyed but confused at the same time. Looked. You weren't confused, a little annoyed but not confused. You speak from the other side of the door.
Y/N: Camilo, come eat breakfast
Camilo: going
*you go downstairs*
Y/N: Hi mirabel!
Mirabel: Hi y/n, did you call cam- .. er , everyone?
Y/N: erm, yes
You say it with a suspicious tone
Y/N: anything else you need help with?
Mirabel: *looking around* ehhhhuhhhh noo... Oh! Actually can you call Dolores to see if she's ready?
Y/N: oh, can't she hear us from here?
Mirabel: No she has a soundproof room *giggle*
Y/N: oh *awkward laugh* okay then, I'll be right back then.
Mirabel: okay!
*you walk into Dolores' room. It's so pretty. You hear very very faint soothing music coming from a small radio and a tiny waterfall not huge, tiny. It makes sense. A normal sized waterfall would be suitable in here. It's too loud for Dolores' sensitive ears and plus, it wouldn't even fit because a normal sized waterfall is humongous ! You look around saying "woaah" you spot Dolores in the corner of her room sitting in front of her simple vanity. It was ruby red and it was very nice, it had a mirror and some fairy lights it had little sound waves designs on the table legs.
Y/N: Hi Dolores! Your room looks real nice! It's so pretty!
You notice Dolores sitting on her vanity looking down at what looks like a pendant
Dolores: *in a gloomy tone* hi Y/N..
her voice cracked a bit
Y/N: Happy birthday.. hey are you okay?
Dolores starts tearing up a bit and you can hear small sniffles
Y/N: oh noo. Whats wrong? D:
Dolores: nothing, it's just I'm sad that Mariano won't be able to make it to the party. He's out of town looking for places to have a vacation in. I didn't want a vacation. I want to stay HERE with the family, I love him but he seems to think that HE should make the decisions since he's the 'mAn of thE hOuse." It doesn't bother me much but I wish he didn't do it. And another thing, he's the only townsfolk I wanted to invite. I love the town but it's too much for me. I just wanted Mariano to come and the family
*you scratch your neck looking the other way.*
Dolores: oh and you of course . You seem pretty chill.
Y/N: thanks. Sorry about your problems, have you tried talking to Mariano?
Dolores: No.. I'll try though.. Thanks Y/N.
she says with a smile (that doesn't look real but you don't want to bug her about it) as she puts her hand on your shoulder.
Y/N: Oh well uhm. Happy Birthday Dolores! you deserve the happiest of birthdays

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04 ⏰

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