Lets pretend this is a really inspirational title

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7:00 AM
You wake up, get ready, and start picking fruits from your backyard
You have about 2 baskets when you hear knocking
You open it to see who it is, it's Mirabel and Camilo
Mirabel: HIII HOW ARE YOU! *she hugs you*
You: HII MIRABEL!! *you hug her back*

You stop hugging and 2-3 seconds after she gets shoved over falling on the floor

Camilo: HEY Y/N! *shapeshifts into you and hugs you*
Y/N: *giggle* Hi Camilo!
Mirabel: EppAa! *elbows Camilo in his arm*
Y/N: so, what brought you guys here?
Mirabel: oh we decided to stop by 😊
Camilo:*looks over to the glass sliding door* Oh are you picking fruits? We can help you
Y/N: Oh, that's nice of you but I'm actually finished.
Mirabel: Oh, ok! That's fine! We'll be on our way then! Wait actually.. I need to use the restroom.
Y/N: oh it's the 3rd door down the hall!
Mirabel: Thanks!

Mirabel leaves*

Camilo: So Y/N, are you doing anything later this week?
Y/N: Nope! :)
Camilo: Oh well it's Dolores' birthday this week, Do you want to come?
Y/n: Oh, yeah Im down :)
Camilo: Ok, the party starts at 7 don't be late *wink*
Y/N: *laugh* Ok Camilo

*mirabel Comes back*

Y/N: Hi Mirabel!
Mirabel: Hi, uhm, we'll be out the door now :) bye Y/N! See you tomorrow?
Y/N: Mhm! See you tomorrow! Bye Mirabel, bye Camilo!
Camilo: laterz
Mirabel: Bye!

Y/n X Camilo Madrigal { sorry discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now