the end?

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I did end up finishing that game. As much as I don't like danganronpa's writing, the 3rd game did it well.
Now I can relish myself in the memes despise being done with it.

I had a bit of a thought, I don't really make info/intros of myself. I was wondering if I should attempt one? I just don't know if it would necessarily be as fun.
And then that brings me to another thing. That thing I did two years ago, well now I know everything about it and beyond. While that being said, YouTube is trying to deem my autistic....thanks youse

So I made this comment not too long ago, now Chris wants me to talk about it a bit more

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So I made this comment not too long ago, now Chris wants me to talk about it a bit more. Sure, but maybe when I'm not sleep never?
Nah, I'll get it situated, just maybe when it's not two in the morning.

I feel like my previous chapters were pretty crack headed spurts of energy. Lowkey, drink some red bull with every typo.

And I guess there's this ENTPxESTP thing Mrs. ENFP was trying to attempt, but I am not sure if that's still going on. I can't find her account so I'm guessing she has a different name on here. I could try my hands at it and make it a serious thing, that'll really rile up the ESFPs on tiktok. Like hell, I could design a couple of character for it, simp rage.

Fun fact: I live an hour away from Ashland, that's where Coraline takes place. I should move out there, adopt kid, and have the whole thing happen again. But instead of Coraline, it's Medaline.

I really want to start collecting vintage game consoles. I have an Atari, Genesis, and game cube, but it's not ideal. My sister has a gameboy, which makes sense because she's almost nine years older than me. I want it but I know she won't give that to me. She automatically assumes I'm a ball of destruction anyways. I may have conducted a light experiment on her, however. I wanted to see how she'd react to the stuff I'm posting without informing her that it's jokes/satire. Welp, the other day she left a comment, taking one thing I said in particular way too seriously. It's very out of character when she does this, she's Ni-Fe with bpd, and that's what I was testing her on. I mean, the comment she left made her seem like she didn't even know me. Anyways, I deleted her comment because I knew she'd have a life crisis thinking about previous decisions, to which is also out of character.
Bpd = not fun
She also told me that she thinks I might have adhd....rude.

Gee wiz, I'll just publish this

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