Mountains of Malibu

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The mountains of Malibu, so high and filled with vast landscapes.
I once climbed those mountains with a tant and 3 bags. With every step, it felt like the hills got higher.

I explored the mountains and beaches of Malibu. I spent one week in the mountains, with the harsh winds and sunrise. A scary but adventurous moment.

Chasing an American dream. With nothing but $600 in my pockets, a bag full of books. And hope in my soul. One of the adventures that hardened my mind and disciplined me.

On very hot days, being at the top of the mountains felt like being close to the sun. So hot, so humid, so harsh you can barely breathe.
On thé days when it rained, going up or down the hill was a hazard. One could break a body part. Nevertheless, I climbed.

It was a privilege to live up in the mountains. Like being near God, you could see the birds high, and the beach from your site. The stars shone very bright and you could hear the ocean at night. In a way it was comforting to hear it, and gaze up at the night sky. I felt alive, it felt real. And for a moment, it felt like I was on top of the world. I could breathe, I could think. I felt free. It's something that just can't be re-live twice.

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