Like My Mama

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If you don't love me like my mama, I don't want ya
You see, the god that gave me birth loves me twice if not triple the amount of how much I love myself.

She taught me to be exuberant and care free, but meticulous of those who walk around with their head down. Mama said "you can laugh and eat with people, but don't think they're your friends".
Mama said you've got to be observant and trusting of your intuition.

She was the first person to give me my first kiss and hug, she was the first to hold my hand, she was the first to tell me everything was gonna be alright, and she's the only one who restores faith in me, when I think I'm losing it.

I once rested my head on her shoulder. Comforted by her smell and aura, I thought to myself "what would I do if she ever left me". Would I go mad ? Or maybe burn the world down ? How do I keep her with me all the time ?

How can anyone love me like my mama ?
Answer is, none.
She remains a part of me. I'm her story and she's my story, together we tell an endless tail of courage, love, and growth.
If you don't love me like my mama, I don't want ya.

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