Happy Earth Day

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It's Earthday, and I want to thank the universe.

I want to thank the universe for the tall trees and the birds in the sky, for the beautiful butterflies that come out everywhere in spring and summer time.

I want to thank you for the sun, that makes our food grow and gives us natural energy. For the tenderness of the moon's light in the night. For the small little bugs that make up the ecosystem and the big animals that make this world wondrous.

I want to thank the universe for the people in my life. Just like Valentine's Day shouldn't be the only day to celebrate love, earth should be celebrated everyday, considering the damages we perpetuated on her. Still she grows more beautiful every year. More tender with the fruits and vegetables we eat. More giving in spring and summer. More loving with the hot sun. It's earth day and I am mighty grateful to be part of her. Happy Earth day, Mother Earth.

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