C R E E P Y P A S T A / P O K E P A S T A // R 3 D

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''Goodbye Forever

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''Goodbye Forever.''

".. I don't have one. "

" ... No comment. "

" .. Don't remember "
[ 17-19 ]

" .. Male "

" Eh? "

" ..Hmph. "
He's a difficult case to understand- No one properly knows what he is so he isn't labelled as anything. [ A monster?? ]

Pet(s)/ Companion(s)
" .. Pikachu.. "

//Pikachu -  Electric/Ghost type//

[ It is a half Ghost type for a few reasons: 1

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[ It is a half Ghost type for a few reasons: 1. It is mentioned in the LS story that Pikachu knew Destiny Bond and Curse,which both are ghost type moves,even though a normal Pikachu can not learn these two moves. 2. It is canon that it did die in the story of LS to kill Gold's Celebi and 3. It did appear sad when it was released into battle against Gold and his half Celebi. ]

" ..Unown King. "

" ..Nothing special. "
Normally trainers who try to fight but sometimes he does it to humans too

" Hmph. "

[ Art by me! ]HeightAbout 5'6-5'7Weight59 kg[ Average weight ]Other"

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[ Art by me! ]

About 5'6-5'7

59 kg
[ Average weight ]

" ... "
- About the other form -
Due to the fact that Red's head falls off a lot, In the other form- his neck, rather than it being stitched with the red ribbon as sturdy, is a second mouth as his first mouth is not used for devouring something due to how gooey it is. Though it is very difficult to work with since he can not properly eat with his head all the way back for the second mouth to open.

 Red may have his eye but it has very poor vision during the day so when he is in that form during the day, he uses his extra limbs [the ones on his back] or His oversized claws to navigate around. He can see in the dark quite well with that eye since it is mostly used to the darkness, though throwing sand or anything at it can leave him blind and weak.

His tail has an eye to help if someone's behind him or not, though it itself is not very useful- if sand is thrown at it then it will be blinded for a period of time and leave Red open to attack from behind.

If Red decides to change back to his usual human form- The aftermath of the other form will leave physical wounds on his body such as cuts, open wounds, etc. 

" ..Hm? "
[ Red is oddly quiet,mostly keeps his problems to himself and would rather deal with them himself rather than hurt someone like he did before which often or not,gets himself hurt and allows his emotions to lash out. He is oddly less experienced with everyone due to his backstory and his isolation up in the tower. However he is quite sweet to animals/Pokemon since he's grown quite used to being around them so he needs a bit of time but when he does get used to someone- he'd care for them as much as he can even if he had to die for them twice. Although Red doesn't socialize often, he does enjoy some sort of attention- either it'd be a small pat on the head or a hug, he'd be helplessly melting into the touch. ]

" ..Pikachu.. "
His Pikachu,Lost Silver and Glitchy Red are the only people he trusts currently

" ..Blue.. ? "
He currently doesn't have any rivals but he used to have Blue as his Rival.

" ..Green.. "
Green [the female protag of R/B/G/Y - LF/GR ] - [Status?]
- She is his younger sister by a year,although he can't remember much of her- All he remembers is that he was very close to her and still misses her. -

Blue [ The main rival ] - [Status?] Alive
- Blue was a close family friend that Red considered a brother, even though he can only remember a little bit about him- Red hopes that maybe he can hug Blue for as long as he can and say his apologies  -

His Mother - [Status?] Unknown/possibly alive
- Red does not remember her -

Prof Oak - [status?] Alive
- Red doesn't properly remember how the professor acted but all he could remember was feeling unworthy of the professor's praises -

" ..?! "
- Lost Silver -
{ Red doesn't know why he fell in love with Lost Silver, They only met twice- once on Mt Silver and the other time was when Gold entered the tower. He always cherished those memories when the other came to the mountain to a visit and always felt guilt for what he has done. He thinks that perhaps it's just a one-sided crush }
- Still thinking -


" ..I don't have any. "
He doesn't technically use Weapons,he uses his Pokemon to hunt down his victims or his other form.

Do they keep any Items?
" ..Pokeballs. "
All he has is a Pokedex,A single Pokeball, A picture of Blue and Green and a Red String that helps his head a bit.

How do they kill? 
" ...Hm. "
One way,he uses his Pokemon and makes them use Perish song on the victim to tie them to their fate though he waits until the 3 turn rule has effected. Though in his other form,it's a different story- due to him not being able to properly hold his pokemon/pokeballs,he has to rely on his claws to hunt down the victim.

" .. Mm.. "
He absolutely hates Sandslashes and fears their sharp claws.

 "SandslashesHe absolutely hates Sandslashes and fears their sharp claws

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-- In short tabs for easy reading! --

- Red runs away to Mt silver after feeling guilt for crushing blue's dreams
- gets hunted down by Team rocket bc of their anger for him ruining their plans
- Pikachu witnesses a Sandslash accidentally chop Red's head off (explains why his head can disappear + the teeth around the throat in my drawing)
- Pikachu mourns over Red's death after his Pokemon were taken besides Pikachu
- Unowns wanted a ruler to help them feel safer around humans ( Possibly considered humans bad a lot time ago )
- They hear the radio from the house near the ruins about Red's disappearance and suspicions to be on Mt silver. They go there and find Pikachu and Red's corpse
- They drag them both down with psychic abilities and experiment with Red's body to try and make him a monster,unfortunately it succeed.
- Red,now a monster,lost memories of what his past life was besides his name and Pikachu.
- Unowns create a tower for him to be isolated in and taught him to act if someone else enters the tower
- Red,fooled by the unowns' kindness and manipulation,agrees and the events of lost silver happen
- After the events,Red realizes it's his fault everything went wrong and he still blames himself for what happened.

" No.."
He oddly likes eating sweets..a bit too much.
He's from the CRP; "LOST SILVER" as the headless Red

'' ...Go. ''


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