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Albedo glanced back at Venti, double checking to see if he was resting and then he let out a soft sigh, slowly striding out of the room and silently shutting the door before heading to Aether's desk. He saw the note mentioning his departure and skimmed the contents:

if you end up caring for Venti, I won't be present at the house for at least a week. If anything is to happen to Venti, please send a letter my way. Send any urgency letters to 'Dadaupa Gorge' via Cyrus. Okay?
Thank you so much,
Aether ♥︎

Albedo slowly put the letter back down and sighed. He took a piece of paper and took out a pen from his pocket. He started to write him a letter. He knew Aether would want to know what happened to Venti. Of course, he was the only one to have witnessed the whole ordeal. He got up from the desk and folded the letter and then quietly left the house. He took a bit to go to the Adventurer's Guild building, but once he made it he sighed.
"What do you need, Albedo?" Cyrus wore a bright smile on his face.
Albedo ushered out the letter from his pocket and held it towards Cyrus.
"Oh! I see! I'll take this to the Traveller right away!"
Albedo nods, "Thank you."
Albedo sighed and quickly headed back to the house, shutting the front door behind him once he walked back in. He picked up his sketchbook and started to draw. He would just hope Aether would get the letter soon.

After a little while, Cyrus brought the letter to Aether while he was on break.
Cyrus left the letter by his feet and then left.
Aether looked quite confused about this, but didn't say anything about it.
«What's this?»
Aether read the letter from Albedo. It had been less than a day and this was something urgent. He had to cancel the commission. He sighed and stood up, stretching a little. He didn't know what to do, this was a lot. Who would do such a thing to Venti? It seemed cruel.
He started to head back to Mondstadt. The walk was long and he came across some Hilichurls along the way, but it didn't matter because getting to Venti was all that mattered right now. He went into the house, flustered and red from running. He was trying to catch his breath.
"Why... did La Signora do that? I need to get the Gnosis back!" Aether said and looked at Albedo and Albedo glanced up.
"Hm... you really want to go get it? I feel it'll be impossible."
"Impossible?" Aether sat down beside Albedo, seeming a little confused about how it would be impossible to get the Gnosis back.
"Trust me. I don't think it would be easy to take her on."
Aether grumbled and stood up.
"I'm going to check on Venti and then go talk to Childe, there is no way he can't help me."
Aether slowly knocked on Venti's door and then let himself in, knowing he was resting. "Venti? You awake?"
Venti rolled over at the sound of a familiar voice and opened his eyes, even though he couldn't see. He still knew it was Aether.
"How you feeling?" Aether walked over and sat on the bed beside him, putting a hand to his head.
"I'm okay... I don't have a fever or anything."
"You feel so warm though... so I think you might've gotten sick from that ice around your legs." Aether sighed softly. "How about this...? I will make you some soup when I get back."
"All righty. I like the sound of that."
"Just please don't ask me to put apples in it." He joked and glanced away, rather embarrassed of the one time Venti was drunk and asked for apples in his soup. But it didn't actually happen.
"I didn't do that!" Venti blushed awkwardly, feeling very embarrassed.
"I'm just joking." Aether chuckled and pat Venti's head.
"Hmph-" Venti turned away and pouted, turning on his side.
Aether got up and pulled the blanket over him, kissing Venti's forehead.
"Hey... I'll be back. Try to get some rest. If you need anything, holler for Albedo, okay?"
Venti nods and Aether left the room.
"I'll see you later."
Albedo nods to acknowledge it and waited for Aether to leave to go shut Venti's door.
"There, now you'll stay warm."
Albedo sighed and went back to sketching.

Aether went to Northland Bank and called out for Childe.
"You called?"
"Yeah. Do you happen to know how to Venti's sight back?"
"Hmm.. let me think."
Aether crossed his arms and patiently waited for Childe to give him a response.
"I don't know if you're going to be okay with this, but you have to confess your love to him. That's the only way his powers and sight with return to him."
Aether became bright red like an apple, "I-" he shook his head in embarrassment. "Fine.." Aether sighed and looked down anxiously.
"Comrade, I know it's a lot, but I know you can do this!" Childe pat Aether's head and Aether sighed.
"Geez, I don't know whether to take you seriously or take it as a joke."
"Comrade, I'm being serious."
Aether became more red in the face, "oh great. I have to confess..." Aether covered his face anxiously and Childe burst out into a side splitting laughter.
"Well then, is that all?"
Aether nods. "I'm going to head back now."
Aether slowly started to leave and he felt like he should've never asked, but something like this was something he had to hide don't Venti for the past year and wouldn't it be hard to say it now? Everything he wanted to admit that had to now be put out there to the one he loved the most.
Something he never wanted to say, something he only wanted to hide deep down. He never wanted to admit these feelings to Venti, but now he had to. It wasn't bad that he had to, but he should've thought of getting it off of his chest a lot sooner than he was planning to.
"I'm back." Aether's train of thought had ended after saying those words and Albedo looked up at him.
"So what did he say you have to do?"
"He told me I don't have to get the Gnosis back if I tell Venti how I truly feel about him."
"Oh? Do you love him?" Albedo didn't mean to rub it, but it made Aether feel extremely flustered about this.
"I-I do." Aether blushed.
"Well, I have a feeling that Venti feels the same way, so don't feel scared about all of this. There's nothing to be afraid of. I promise that he will accept you for who you are. It will be worth it."
Albedo's words brought a smile to Aether's face and he seemed very happy that he had very positive outlook on this.
"Thank you for encouraging me. I'll talk to Venti tomorrow. All this walking has made me exhausted."
"Well then, get some rest and I'll make Venti the soup you promised him. I will help you make sure he recovers from the small cold."
"Thank you again."
"Of course." Albedo smiled and pat Aether on the head and watched him lay on the bed. He pulled the covers over him. "I'll remain awake to keep an eye out for you. Don't worry, I'll be okay. You just rest and I'll be right here."
"Albedo...you're a life saver."
Albedo smiled at Aether and went back to sleeping for now.

Eeeee— I apologize for this being extremely late! School started up again and it drained my brain juice. :b//

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