He's A Little Better

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Albedo had made Venti the soup that Aether asked him to make, but he added a small touch to them. A few alchemical healing property. He slowly got the bowl into his hands and walked over to Venti's room and walked in.
Venti turned over at the sound of Albedo's voice.
"I brought you soup."
"Soup? I don't know if I'll be able to eat it on my own."
"Well... maybe you can. I can still help if you want me to though."
Venti had to give it some thought before nodding,
"You can help me eat."
Albedo gave Venti a small smile and raised the spoon up and pressed it against his lips and that's when Venti had ate a spoonful of the soup.
This repeated until the bowl was gone.
Venti for some reason didn't feel as sick..
"Thank you so much."
Albedo nods slowly.
"After all... Aether asked me to care for you. I won't let him down while he rests."
"I'm glad he's at least trying to help too."
"Of course he will! He just has to rest up first. I don't sleep a lot, so I can help you more often than he can at the moment."
Venti nods.
"I really wish I could see you more ... vividly."
"I know you want to, but we need to figure out how to fix it. Which means I may have to spend the night researching into the matter. In the meantime, I think you should try to get more rest, Venti."
Venti nodded, "I will."
Albedo smiled and left the room with the empty bowl in his hands. He walked over to the sink and washed the bowl before going back to his desk with a sigh.
«Does he have a book about magic-caused blindness?»
He thought to himself and dug through the books.
"Ahah!" Albedo pulled out a book tilted: How To Cure Magical Blindness.
Albedo had started to skim each page a few times to analyze the material within.
His eyes widened at what the solution was and he knew he'd have to let Aether know about this.
The contents of what left him so shocked was along the lines of...
This is often cured by the acts of true love between two with mutual bonds.
Albedo got up from his desk and walked over to Aether's bed and lightly shook him by the shoulder.
Aether was a light sleeper, so he woke up instantly and stared at Albedo,
"What is it?"
"I discovered how we can help Venti!"
"One of my books had something about that?"
Aether sat up and made room for Albedo to sit next to him, holding the book. He pointed to the paragraph that explains the whole phenomenon.
Aether had felt his cheeks rise in heat and with it was a painted pink blush.
"L-Love? I don't know.."
"It says it was written by a scholar, so it has to be correct information."
"I'm sure it is, but... does he .. have someone like that?"
Albedo smirked and looked at him, "you're the one, Aether! I know how you look at him. Why else would you be caring about his well-being and why else would he care for you the same way? You both love each other very much, you're just very blind to it."
Aether felt his face heat up more, "Hmph-!"
Albedo chuckled, "I can sense it. But take your time of course, there's no need to rush romance here. Nothing is worth rushing. Maybe let his feelings come to him first? Apparently it says on the first kiss you share, his sight will return to him without any problems or mishaps."
Aether sighed,
"You're really sure it's going to work?"
"I'm very positive."
Aether fell silent and covered his face. He was so embarrassed at this point that he didn't know how to reply to the alchemist.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2022 ⏰

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