2021 End Year Prayer For 2022

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Where I live, it's a just a little while till the new Year.

This year has been filled with many highs and lows but God has remained faithful. The work God is doing in all of us and through us, all is something I pray increases time by time. As the enemy sees the clock ticking and knows his time is short, let us add unto his headache by making every second miserable for him yet joyful for the kingdom of heaven. With every second, I pray a soul is saved. With each second I pray that we increase in prayer and hunger for God. With each second someone who was close to walking away comes back to the Father. With each second a revival occurs. With each second someone has an answered prayer and a miracle takes place, allowing the testimony that He is Alive to be spread. With every day let it add on to the misery of the enemy.

We don't know what 2022 holds and we won't know everything either but we know Who holds tomorrow. With the Alpha and Omega by our side, we can pray over 2022, we can declare God's word over 2022, we can speak over our lives and also ask for more of God's grace.

So, today I'll be praying over all of you but want you to pray over the next year. Pray and declare things over 2022. Declare God's word, God's promises, pray for guidance, wisdom and strength. I encourage all of you to go before God today and speak to Him, pray, meditate and worship. Let's enter the new year with a passion for God. I don't want us to be excited about fireworks or be worried over a future we can't control. I want us to rather just like we begin a day with prayer, begin a year with pray and total surrender.

I pray over 2022 for God's kingdom to grow. That the gospel will be spread and a revival will take place. That we each will grow in courage in our faith and boldness to spread the word of God whenever we are led by Him. I pray that our hearts will remain open, fertile soils for God's word, light, conviction, instruction and guidance. I pray over every girl that's stumbled open Flourish and everyone who has stayed with us up to now. That Lord, I pray that You continue the work You're doing in their lives. Help these girls to remain disciplined in You and grow in understanding. Let their wisdom surpass their age and may they grow to be women who are bold for Your truth and fearless by Your might. I pray over them that they grow to be everything You've called them to be. Let their hearts and character be filled with humility, patience, love, selflessness and all the fruit of the Spirit. Lord destroy every envy that can be in our hearts and break every Jealousy. I pray that we can walk in purity, in holiness, in everything we do let us glorify You. Let our actions minister to others and let our ways glorify You. Reveal the gifts and talents You've planted in Your daughters Lord, reveal it to them and give them the thirst for You. The thirst that will build their relationship with You. May they grow in intimacy with YOU lord. Grow in relationship, in hearing Your voice, in obedience and surrender. May they grow it be worshipers in truth and in spirit. May these girls Lord of lords be women who are known for their trust in You. Let them operate in their gifts and talents that will impact the lives of others. May they be lights in this world that others can spot and desire what they have in them, which is You. I pray for You to renew their minds. I pray for peace over their hearts and may Your plan for them be accomplished on earth as it is in heaven. May your good and perfect will be fulfiled. I pray and declare in the name of Jesus that who You've called them to be will be who they will be and every demonic attack, agenda and action to stop them from advancing into their callings will be defeated by Your power. Evil bondages and demonic chains that are trying to hold them down be broken by the consuming fire Himself. You oh Lord shall destroy every evil altar against their lives. I pray that You grow them spiritually in prayer and in reading Your word to overcome every challenge there might face in 2022.

Help us Lord not to fall into sin and temptation. Help us not to backside, become lukewarm or easily conform to this world. Help us not to change to something that's outside of Your will but remain in You. Help us to remain who You've called us to be. Lord, we can start hot for You but end cold and I pray and declare we shall continue our race but only by Your power and strength to remain on fire for you. May you be our first priority and biggest desire. I pray Lord you help us to resist the devil in every temptation we are in and to help us always flee from sexual immorality. May you give us a spirit of self-control and discipline to keep healthy habits.

Lord, I pray over these girls that You help them this new year to each grow deeper in their faith. May You use them greatly. May You speak to each of them personally and may you shine your glory upon them. Lord, I pray that in 2022 we won't backslide but grow, we won't fall into sin and forget You but continue pushing through, repenting and growing. I pray that these girls will grow to be flames of fires. I pray their tongues will always be led by Your Spirit. I pray their hands will operate by Your spirit lord. I pray they will grow to be known as disciples of Jesus.

I bless their education I bless, their ministries, I bless their gifts, I bless their health and families. I bless everyone connected to them and pray you answer the cries of their hearts. May you fulfil your will and reveal Yourself as God to them. May You do miracles and great things in their lives.

I pray over them Lord and I pray this in faith knowing full well you hear my prayer, your will shall be done and You'll do exceedingly and abundantly more I could have ever imagined and excepted for You to have answered.

Thank you for giving us life. Thank you for all you do God. Thank you Jesus for Your salvation. Thank you for this year and thank You for never giving up on us.

All praise, all worship, all glory to You and You alone our God.

We love you, Lord!

In Jesus name.


- Flourish

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