Flourishes 3rd Birthday

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Flourish is 3 years old. She Flourishes has gone a long way. It hasn't been easy but all I can do is thank God. All this is a result of pure grace. We aren't better than anyone neither do we deserve all goodness done. We are broken people God decided to us to help others broken in need of Jesus. That's such an honour.

I glorify God because Flourish had grown in so many ways. In these 3 years, God has grown my writing and wisdom to better serve His people. There have been challenges, times of trials, and issues but by God's power, we overcame it all.

As Flourish continues to grow, I pray that God touches more and more of His people. Serving people has become my great desire and one of my biggest joys. Seeing lives change is now my hunger. Praying for you all is my fuel. I'm grateful for all God has done and all He continues to do.

I believe this is not even just the beginning but the beginning is still unfolding. I desire for God to take this ministry even further so more people can be helped for His glory

Today on Flourish's birthday, I want to thank my fellow team members. These girls have remained serving you all with their writing. I'm very grateful to work alongside people who desire a change in this generation. I also thank all those who motivated this ministry. Some of you would share testimonies of what God had done, others have prayed for us, and some have been consistently helping us since the beginning. May God bless you all abundantly and may He rain blessings upon you all. May He continue to be the fire of this ministry. May He be praised.


Comment your thoughts on Flourish so far. Share your testimonies and what God has done through us!


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