Chapter 1

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3rd POV

"I dont want to be like my mother. I don't want to become some doormat handmaiden that stays in the shadow of her husband," She held a fist to her chin with glossy eyes. "I trust that you'll take good care of our little Lucy. And Todd, too. You are a better housewife than I could ever be, Orel. Even if your busy with work,"

"You can't just leave me. I cant do this on my own, Chrissy. I barely make enough money to sustain this family, what makes you think I'll have time to maintain the house as well?" Orel swallowed a lump in his throat. It would be constant work; waking up early in the morning, dropping the kids off to school, going to school, working all day, picking the kids up, going home to a dirty house, cleaning up after everyone, cooking for everyone- this was not a one-man job.

His voice shook as he nearly begged the woman before him. "I need you. Christina, you're the love of my life and I need you. We can make this work, together,"

"Your kids need you, Orel. Im sorry, I just-" she sniffled into her fingers, the tears in her eyes itching to be free. "I can't do this anymore. I've tried for so long and I just cant,"

Christina reached for her purse and slipped on her shoes. "I'm going to a hotel for the night. We can discuss.. splitting up tomorrow," a few heel clicks on the floorboards and she was gone. It was over.

Orel remained motionless above his rough, leather recliner that he was once seated in. He wanted to cry, but nothing came out as his throat and eyes were parched from the shock. Instinctively, he began to firmly clutch the pure silver cross around his neck, trying to find some sort of comfort in his situation.

Why does God betray me like this? He thought, trying to think of something in his life that he did so wrong to warrant this endless torture. Yet, even in the bleakest of times, he could still find things to be grateful of. He had two beautiful children with each a heart of gold, and Christina is a fool for not wanting to watch her precious young grow up.

Thats all he cared about, now. Everything he does from now on will be for his kids, no matter how exhausted or drained it makes him feel. More importantly, he didnt want to become like his father.

Orel shook his head and made a B-line to Lucy's room. A carebear nightlight glowed on a bedside table, giving off a steady gleam to the rest of the space, including the sleeping girl adjacent to the light.

He tiptoed towards her bed as to not make a sound, and kneeled down to her head to give it a gentle kiss. She had just turned five years old this month, and she was already so smart. Needless to say, Lucy had some damn good genetics.

Shortly after, he made his way out of his daughter's room and headed towards his own. He would give Todd a kiss too, but he was a relatively light sleeper, and Orel didn't want to disturb him, especially with the upcoming news that he may have to witness very soon.

A/n: This is a bit of a prototype, so bear w me please. Ive been stewing on this idea for so long tho, I had to scribble it out rq. Joe will be arriving soon to save our poor Orel!!!

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