Chapter one | Lost in the wild and into the crowd.

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Gregory's pov:

Hi, my name is Gregory and I'm a lost, homeless kid in a big city. And you may be wondering "Why am I homeless?" Well.. it all started when I was in second grade.. a kid in the third grade kept teasing and picking on me saying that "I'll never be cool" or "You'll never be successful in life" but one day he dared me to climb the fence during recess to "give me a chance to prove how brave I was to change his opinion if I was cool or not" and I didn't want to get picked on even worse so I accepted his dare and climbed it and boy did I regret doing that. He soon told me to grab something from the woods and when I ran in there I found a old beehive and I tried finding my way back to the playground and soon I realized that I was lost...

I traveled for hours and hours and still couldn't find my way back, I started to lose hope and gave up. No matter how hard I tried I never found my way back. I soon found a box in a empty alleyway and it was already dark by now so I just found some news paper and fell asleep in the box...

Till this day I never forgot how used And tricked I was that day and it's been two years since that incident and I haven't found my way home so that's how I ended up like this.

Today I did my usual thing, I grabbed my sign and a can to hold coins and money in and started doing my thing. "Will work for food! I can rake your yard or clean your house for money or food!" I said as people walked past me ignoring me, a little girl walking with their mom noticed me and asked their mom to give me some money. "Mommy, can we give him something? He looks like he needs help." The little girl said as her mother replied with a sigh. "Sure sweetie I guess we can since he looks young and in need of help" the little girl smiled as her mom handed her $10, she walked up to Gregory in the most polite way saying "here! You can have this" she smiled as bright as the sun handing him the $10. Gregory hugged the little girl as he replied saying "Thank you" before the girl returned to her mother to leave.

Gregory looked at the $10 in awe, he had been given something that was more than usual, he'd usually get $1 or 5 cents and sometimes 10 cents but never did he get $10 before.

Gregory had knew that if he spent it right now, he'd probably wouldn't have enough left for the rest of the week. So he decided to save it and put it under his box, his stomach began to rumble signaling he was hungry, he heard of the new mega pizzaplex that had opened not far from him so he decided to go there. As he went he realized he needed to pay to get in, "how am I going to get in now!?" He thought to himself as he noticed a huge crowd there. "Hm, maybe I can try to blend in with the crowd and sneak in! Maybe that'll work " he thought to him self on how to get in, he started to go with the crowd and managed to get in but soon noticed Vanessa.

Vanessa's pov:

I noticed this kid probably around the age of 10 - 12 but something was telling me that he got in differently than everyone... I immediately approach the child and ask him "are you lost? Where are your parents?" He stutters as he replied with "I-I'm not lost, I was just told to wait h-here while my 'parents' go to the bathroom" I see someone walk out of the bathroom as I go up and ask here is he was her child, she immediately replied "no" and walked off. As I turn around, I see that the child had ran off somewhere while he had the chance. I grabbed my flashlight and started searching for him in the crowd.

Gregory's pov:

As I ran, i ended up in a strange hallway and soon I found a orange bear animatronic in a red room as he looked like he was sleeping. For some reason my instincts were telling me I should hide in him and avoid that night guard as I opened the bear's chest plates and climed in and just sat their to calm down.

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