Chapter Nine

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        I was in that peaceful state between being asleep and waking up when I heard people talking.

        "Midoriya's family has already offered to take her in," A voice I recognized as All Might said. "Despite your renown, there's no way the school would allow this."

        Another man scoffed. "I've already talked to the rest of the faculty, All Might. They agree with me. You know I can offer her better training than any other family in her class."

        "And yet, for some reason, I doubt your methods."

        "My methods forge true heroes. What will that kid and his mother be able to teach her? You saw that power, All Might. I can teach her the discipline she so desperately needs. And make sure she doesn't run back to those villains who attacked the school."

        "You're just upset that she put your son to shame. Will she be your new prodigy? Another child who will someday take my spot, Endeavor?"

        My eyes shot open at that name. No, no, no. I hadn't been enjoying the conversation to begin with. Izuku had so kindly offered me a place to stay and UA was willing to cast him aside just so that the number two hero could get his way. Nuh-uh.

        "Ah," All Might came over to my side. "You're awake. How much of that did you hear?"

        I sat up, propping myself on one of the ever-familiar pillows from Recovery Girl's office. "Everything I needed to." Whispering, I tried to argue with the man. "I thought I was going home with the Midoriyas. Why the sudden change of plans? Is that even allowed?"

        "If the majority of the faculty already signed off on it, I'm afraid so. Endeavor has ever so graciously offered his home instead. He'll be taking you as soon as Recovery Girl's given you the 'ok' to leave."

        Glancing over at Todoroki's father I swear I could feel the apathy coming off him. It was obvious he didn't give a crap about what I wanted. This man was just looking for the fame of being the guardian of the Sports Festival winner. His face showed no sign of love or care, only a burning hatred.

        Thankfully, All Might asked the jerk to leave so that I could be given a thorough check-up. It also gave me and the pro hero a chance to talk in private while we waited for Recovery Girl to return. She'd been off collecting all of her stuff from her temporary office in the stadium.

        "How could they allow this?!" I exclaimed, huffing as I pulled the blanket up to my face. "Izuku's gonna be hurt and, Mr. All Might, sir, I am genuinely fearful that that man will kill me."

        "Miss Kaneko, I truly am sorry," he told me, sitting on the bed. "I should have known he'd pull a trick like this. Then again, he certainly didn't seem the type to take any kid in. If I'd had a clue about what he planned to do, I promise I would have warned the teachers. But, at this point, there's nothing we can do."

        I buried my face in my palms. "Ugh. Great. Wait. Wait, this isn't like official official, right? Like, UA is just sorta letting me have an extended sleepover with a stranger. The police still view UA as my legal guardian and all that, right?

        The face he gave me did not calm my nerves.


        "Well, uh, technically, the school was acting almost like a ward of the court. We had papers prepared today for the family who offered their place to you to sign. Izuku's mother hadn't seen them before Endeavor came about declaring he should be the one to take you in. Now that he's signed those papers. . ."

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