Quinn Arrives

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Bainbridge, New York, is a small town in upstate New York, about an hour from the border of Pennsylvania. As expected from most small towns, Bainbridge and its surrounding towns are filled with beautiful woods that are only exceeded by the plentiful of farms and fields. Dairy farms and pastures for the cows, and rows and rows of corn. A small house sits atop a hill with rolling fields all around it. Here we see Quinn and their mother, Sabrina, getting ready to leave for school.

"Are you gonna' drop me off me off Mom?" Quinn asked, with a subtle note of worry, but their mom caught it.

"Many parents do it, sweetie, trust me you have nothing to worry about," replied Sabrina with a reassuring smile. "It's your junior year, you'll be okay."

The ride to school was shorter than Quinn anticipated, with the fields and trees rolling past the car with anxious speed.

"Have a good day sweetie, I love you," Sabrina called out as she parked in front of the school.

"Love you too, mom," Quinn replied, watching their mom drive away on her way to her new job at the town diner.

It was mid-September, and Quinn's light brown hair fluttered with the late summer breeze. Quinn wore a long sleeve black Fall Out Boy shirt, with black jeans and combat boots. They have a cute, round face with gray-brown eyes. Much to their surprise, most people didn't pay much attention to Quinn, just the way they liked it. As such, the day went by relatively smoothly.

In a study hall, Quinn noticed a senior who seemed to be telling a story, while the small group around him laughed and smiled and told jokes of their own. The boy had pale, Snow White hair with a structured jawline and an overall pleasing face. His nails were painted black, and he wore a charcoal gray button-up shirt with the sleeves rolled up to the elbows, along with black skinny jeans and multiple rings dotted around on his fingers.

"That's Adrien Bright, possibly the best duelist in the school," another senior boy, who seemed to be more athletic than a duelist, with basketball shorts and a dark "Drake" T-shirt that matched his jet black hair, leaned over and spooked Quinn with the sudden conversation. "I'm Sebastian by the way. Sorry I could just see you seemed to be staring at Adrien and his friends."

"Oh uh thank you. Quinn," they reached out their hand to shake Sebastian's. "You said he's the best? What'd you know about him?"

"He calls himself the synchro master. He uses multiple decks but most of them revolve around Synchro summoning," Sebastian explained.

"Is that so?" Quinn asked. "I'm a synchro user too so we'll just have to see about this 'master' business."

"Oh really? What'd you use?" Sebastian was genuinely curious at this point, and wanted to see what competition Adrien potentially had.

"Laval," Quinn answered. Sebastian gave a quick "hmm" as he returned to his schoolwork, interested but not too worried. Laval's weren't exactly known to be a meta deck.
The day dragged on until the final bell rang, and everyone rushed to their lockers, and soon out the doors. As they walked out the main doors, Quinn heard a loud, rash voice call out to them. "Hey queer! What exactly are you anyway?" The voice called out
Quinn didn't really want to deal with this, but they responded calmly, "I'm non-binary."

"Nah that ain't real. You a boy or a girl? What's between your legs?" The country bumpkin boy with steel toe boots, baggy, dirty jeans and a shirt with a confederate flag pasted on it called out again.

Adrien just walked through the doors as well, and upon hearing this, intervened and started to reprimand his fellow student.

"Conner you know we don't do that shit around here anymore," he said.

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