The Neo-Lancers

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Quinn's first day of school was incredibly eventful. Meeting kind new people and besting an asshole at a duel is pretty satisfying. The next few days went by without a hitch, but also without a duel. Quinn was bored and they wanted some action, so they were hoping today to either get challenged or challenge someone.

As per usual, Sabrina dropped Quinn off at school. Back at the study hall with Sebastian, Adrien and his friends, but something was different this time. Adrien was at his desk reading something while his two friends were at a separate table talking. It didn't seem like anything bad happened, just off.

Adrien had two friends, Rose and Taylor. Rose was a heavier set girl, but held an impeccable beauty and warmth around her. She wore round glasses and had jet black hair, and a sort of kind aura that made people feel comfortable around her. Not to mistake kindness for weakness, however, as she also gave off and incredible radiating strength, almost like a bright like.

Taylor was a very sweet boy, and would do anything for his best friend. Adrien saved him multiple times from his own depression, and gave him the deck he uses now. He had very curly fluffy brown hair and a surprisingly tough build.

"Quinn, right?" Rose called over to them as they were sketching on a notepad. "Come here," she said.

Quinn gathered their stuff and walked over to the table where Rose and Taylor sat. They sat down and Rose and Taylor started talking in a more hushed tone.

"So it's about Adrien," Rose whispered. "He needs a challenge, and I think you're the one to give it to him."

"You want me to duel him? Sure," Quinn replied.

"Yes but not before you can beat you one of us," Taylor chimed in. "You see each of us have a unique extra deck summoning specialty. That's why we call ourselves the 'Neo-Lancers,' the group of duelists that use all forms of extra deck summoning."

"The 'Neo-Lancers?'" Quinn asked.

"Yes but there's more too," Rose replied. "You see in the past Adrien has done some, well, bad things. He's made lots of mistakes and he tries so hard to correct them, but sometimes he just keeps messing up. Hell, he's made so many mistakes we call him the 'Mistake Master.'"

At this, Adrien stood up from his chair and pointed an accusatory finger at Rose. "It's the Synchro Master!" He jokingly yelled.

"Oh sit back down and stop eavesdropping, Adrien," Rose declared. At this, Adrien sat back down and started grumbling to himself.

"Anyway," she began again. "We'd like you to duel one of us first. If you beat either me or Taylor, we'd like you do duel Adrien."

"Okay I'm down with that," Quinn responded. "So which one of you will be my next 'victim?'" They chucked.

"That would be me," replied Rose. "Just meet us at the top of the hill behind the school after it's over. We can take you home afterwards."

"Sounds good," Quinn said, and gathered their things and went back to their original desk.

The next few hours went by quickly and smoothly. Quinn texted their mom to let her know that they'd be staying behind but had a ride home. The final bell rang and students were in a cluster, around lockers, in hallways, making navigating to their destination more difficult. Eventually they made it so the long staircase that lead up the hill behind the school.

When you first reach the top, you are met with a parking lot, where student drivers were allowed to park the cars. To the right, a large, green field with goals on either side, and a small set of bleachers sitting outside the borders. The only thing in the way between the lot and the field was a tall and wide chain-link fence.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2022 ⏰

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