Chapter 4

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3rd Person POV

C/Y/C - Color of your choice

Y/N woke with the sunlight peeking through her blinds and bouncing off of the walls. Illuminating the small space. A smile spread on her lips. There was a lingering feeling ni her body. She felt safe here. She felt like this could really be home. 

'Home. It's been a long time since I felt like this.'

After staying in bed for another 5 minutes, she got up and dressed herself. Her version of the chosen uniform. 

All black with little pops of C/Y/C. Black cropped long sleeve shirt with C/Y/C hoodie. Black tank underneath. Black skirt that faded into C/Y/C at the end. A pair of black tights underneath. Black shoes with (as you guessed) C/Y/C laces. 

As she headed to the bathroom, she passed Inumaki. 

"Konbu." (Inumaki's greeting)

She sent a wave back at him as well as a smile. Once she was refreshed and ready for the day, she met up with everyone. 

"Good morning, Y/N." Itadori greeted before shoving a spoonful or cereal in him mouth. 

Y/N sent a warming smile to him. 

"I'm just going to get to the point." Nanami said. "We've been searching for this curse that's been haunting you. Earlier today Gojo and I went out to the sites where your family *ahem* was killed." His eyes scanned yours. You swore you saw a sympathetic smile tug at his lips.

As if on cue, Gojo appeared next to the tall man. "We didn't find much at first glance but being that we're sorcerers something came up." 

He handed you a phone. An image on it that would send any normal person screaming their lungs out. Not to mention the nightmares that would surely follow after.

It was a slightly blurring picture, but the words were as clear a s day. Written in some sort or liquid were a simple two words. 

You're next.

She knew it was meant straight for her. No one else. Her hands shook and the phone slipped from her grip and fell to the table and then the floor with two loud 'clanks'.

"Woah, Y/N. What's wrong?" Panda had stood up. Her body was trembling in fear. 

It's coming for her. And it's not stopping until it gets what it wants. 

'it's going to hurt them too.'

Her breathing quickly sped up. And she backed up, shaking her head. 

"Hey. Hey, Y/N. You're going to be okay." Gojo reassured. They were all crowding. Worry painted on their faces. 

"It's not me I'm worried about... It's you guys.  It's not going to stop until it gets me. Even if you're in the way." Megumi read your singing. 

"Okaka." ("Don't worry about us.") Inumaki shook his head as he helped her back up. His touch was warm and soft. It felt calming. 

"Do you think it's after you to kill you?" Maki asked. "Yes...No... She doesn't know. She says that it's just been following her and her family." Megumi answered. 

"I'm sure it wants more than to just kill her if it's been following her her entire life. It's almost as if it's taunting her. Slowly poking at her." Gojo, looking at nothing in particular, thought hard about the situation. 

"We should still be caution with our movements. Right now, it has the element of surprise on its side. We don't know when it'll appear." Nanami stated before walking off.

"You should come with us, Y/N. We're going to train. Maybe it'll help you take your mind off of your stalker for now." Panda said. 

"Shake." ("I agree.")

"You should go, Y/N. It'll be good for both you and them." Gojo's voice lowered to a whisper. "Just don't go too hard on the 'kay? They might not be able to handle your strength...Well, maybe Inumaki could." He shot her his signature grin and ruffled her hair. 

Once he walked off, she fixed her hair, so her bangs still covered her eyes. 

"Sujiko." ("Coming with?")

Y/N gave him a half grin and nodded. Following him and the others outside and onto empty field. All thoughts of breakfast gone.

"I think we should start with hand-to-hand combat today." Maki suggested. "See what Y/Ns got." A grin on her lips. "Can I take her on?" Itadori quickly requested. 

"No. You need to take a break. Remember when Maki-san kicked your ass yesterday?" She smirked. "You shouldn't get too ahead of yourself and let someone else take the fight."

"Shake. Shake?" ("I agree. Mind if I give it a go?")

"You're offering? That's a first. Give it a whirl. Let's see what she's got. Afterwards we'll pair up." Maki seemed surprised. 

Inumaki walked down the bleachers and stood a mere 4 feet from her. Y/N simply took a breath and raised her fists, but Inumaki was suddenly behind her and had twisted her arm behind her back and she was on the soft grass with seconds. 

A smile began to slowly spread across his face but before he knew it, they had switched places. His face against the ground and his arm behind her back. 

Just as she had him on the ground, she let him go. Apologizing in sign language. "Okaka. Shake." ("Don't apologize. You were fast")

Numerous pairs of eyes stared in amazement. 

"He must've caught her off guard at first." Megumi started. "But then her instincts kicked in." Panada finished.

But neither Y/N nor Inumaki were listening. They stared at each other, trying to read their movements. 

Inumaki came at her fast and tried to twist her arm again, but she caught him and swooped her leg underneath is. Inumaki came tumbling down, but he dragged her with, and she fell on top of him. 

All was frozen as the two stared at each other. 


Y/N was frozen with embarrassment. She was on top of a boy. Not just any boy. The boy she had begun to like. Her cheeks blushed a deep red. 

Inumaki was frozen with shock. He had caught a glimpse of her eyes. The sight left him speechless. 

"Ahem." Maki cleared her throat and the two of them looked in her direction to see them all staring at them both. 

Once Y/N came back to reality, she immediately got off of him. Her ear matching the shade of her cheeks. Inumaki, too had gotten up and dusted himself off. 

"Well, uh, that was something." Panda said awkwardly.

"Damn right it was! That was so cool!" Itadori exclaimed. Excitement glimmered in his eyes. The other sweat dropped at the pink-haired boy.


Author-chan. Sorry for not writing in a while. Just feeling as depressed as always. I'm losing more motivation for everything.  For writing. For watching anime. For living. 

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I think it's my longest one yet. I'll do my best to write more. 

Also, Happy New Year!!!!

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