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Hey. Author-chan again.

I just want to say that I'm sorry for not writing in the past month or so. I don't really have any time and I broke up with my boyfriend.  

I hope you don't mind but I need to vent here a bit.

We knew each other since 5th grade. I had never really thought of him as anything other than a friend until the beginning of this year. (I'm A freshman in high school). He loves anime and video games. His favorite color was maroon, especially when it was on me. He loved Sword Art Online. He was my Kirito and I was his Asuna. It wasn't rare for him to say I love you. We would share music and anime. I wanted him to the one that I could tell my secrets to. I wanted to hold his hand. I wanted to be in his arms. But I was too afraid and pushed him away...

Anyway, I convinced myself that I didn't love him anymore . We didn't even act like a couple.  We only kissed once and barely held hands. He wasn't exactly a gentleman either. But he was still enough for me. I let him go when I shouldn't have. I still loved him. 

But then I saw him with another girl in the hallway once. I knew her but I didn't really talk to her. He was smiling at her they way he would smile at me. I loved it when he looked at me.  Or even when he was explaining something. It was so adorable. His chocolate brown eyes staring into my dark chocolate ones.

My friends kept telling me i did the right thing for myself. But seeing him hurt so much. I'm still in the group chat with his friends and I see him sometimes. Is it supposed to be so painful seeing him?

His friends are jerks too. (Well except one. Cooper actually asked me if I was okay and actually cared.) I was afraid to break up with him before because I was kinda afraid his friend would come after me. (Which they kinda did. Mark even called me a bitch)

Anyway, I just miss him. I screwed up again. Our parents didnt even know about us. He was my everything and I was stupid enough to let him go. 

I knew he loved me. I could see it in his eyes. Or in the little gifts he would give me. Or in what his friends would tell me before. But seeing him now just breaks my heart.

 I guess I broke my own heart. 

Well it's too late so sorry for venting here but I don't have anywhere else to vent. I'll try my best to keep writing.

Later :')

Btw his name was Adrian.

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