Chapter 8

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E/c- eye color (the color of her eyes and highlights should match just to be more dramatic:) I personally wanted to use green so yeah) ( please try to make it a unique color)(it gives it more effect)

I awoke with a splitting headache. I'm shut my concealed eyes and reached for my head but my arms stopped halfway. They were chained. 

I was chained to the walls. I quickly scurried up to take in my surroundings. I was in a big dimly lit room. It was empty besides the table to my right with things I couldn't see on it. 

Suddenly the door creaked open and a hideous man walked in. 

No. Not a man. A curse taking shape of human form.

"Oh, you're awake. Good." I glared at it although it couldn't see with my bangs in the way. I realized then that I had a rope around my mouth. 

'Damn. It knows'

It walked to the table and began messing with whatever was on the table. In the meantime I evaluated myself. 

My leggings were gone and my skirt was ripped shorter. My shirt was ripped at the hem and hung loosely on my figure. I could see a couple bruises on my legs and there were bandages wrapped around my waist. 

When I touched it, red color sprouted in the spot. That damn curse stabbed. I winced when I put more pressure on it. The red color continued to dye the bandages.

"Are you done? Or would you like a mirror?" I snapped my neck in its direction. A small knife was in its hand. A smile spread in its lips. 

"I can feel your fear." It hissed. It walked over to me and crouched. 

Reaching, it caressed my cheek. When I tried to pull away, it gripped my cheeks hard and forced me to look at it.

"You don't know how long I've waiting to get you. To torture you. I followed you for years just for this." It brushed my hair out of my eyes.

"I'm going to enjoy this." 

Inumaki's POV                                                                                                                                  30 minutes later

"Takana?" (I'm worried about y/n). I said to Maki. She returned my anxious look. "I know. I am too."

"Do you think something might have happened to her?" Nobara asked. "Hold up. Gojo-sensei, what happened to that curse that was following her?" Megumi asked. 

Even through his blindfold, I could tell he was frowning. "It...disappeared." "Do you think..." Itadori didn't finish his sentence. Gojo quickly shot up. "Let's go. Now. She was at the book store last."

But even when we got there she wasn't there. 

"Damn. We need to try and follow her steps," Megumi cussed. I spotted something black about 15 feet away. I frowned as I recognized the item. It was y/n's phone. 

"Sujiko," (hey guys I found something) I said.

I snatched up phone and turned it over. It was open on messages. I felt the presence of the group  behind me. 

There was an unsent draft message. 

Umm guys I think something's fo-

(Note; there was no hyphen in the message but it just felt right to add it)

"Uhh. Gojo. There's blood in this alleyway." Itadori hesitantly said as he pointed to the dark red spots near the man hole cover and the the scribbles on the wall. No not scribbles. Words.

Come and get her.

Gojo examined it. "It's relatively fresh. Right now she could be dying or she could be lightly harmed. Either way we need to move fast and now." 

One by one we dropped into the sewers. Nobara's nose crinkled in disgust. "It smells awful." She retorted under her breath.

We surveyed our area. It was a fork. There were three different directions it could go. 

"Okay. We'll split up. Inumaki and Megumi will go that way," Gojo pointed to way farthest left. "Nobara and Maki go farthest right. Yuji and I will take the middle. Be careful and look out for one another." 

We all nodded in agreement and then went our separate ways. Megumi activated his shikigami. A single demon dog appeared. A snarl ripped form its throat as it appeared. I pulled y/n's phone out of my pocket and let it sniff. "Good thinking Inumaki-san."

The demon dog touched it nose to the ground, sniffing for a scent. When it found one it barked and ran off into the dark. We turned in our phone flashlight and followed its trail. 

After nearly loosing it twice we found a doorway. We both stopped and leaned our backs against the wall, careful not to be seen if the curse was there.

I peeked my head around to see a dim room. A desk table with loads or torture tools on it. Some used some unused. My eyes trailed to the figure against the farthest wall. 


I slipped into the room. "Inumaki-san wait!" Megumi hissed but I wasn't listening. There was a bark outside and the sound of something running off. Probably the demon dog. I turned to see Megumi standing at the doorway when it suddenly collapsed on itself. 

"Takana!?"(are you okay)  I yelled. "I'm fine. Just help y/n!" He yelled back from the other side.

I turned back to her. I dashed to her side. 

"Mentaiko," (damn) I cussed. Her frail body was covered in bruises and cuts. A bandages was wrapped around her stomach, but she was bleeding through them. There were a couple other stab wounds but they weren't as serious. Her skirt and shirt were ripped and her leggings were gone. A rope was around her mouth.

She must've had done broken ribs. I could tell by the way her Dedham rose and fell with each wheeze she emitted. Her long hair was cut into a pixie cut.

She move slightly. Her body was trembling. Her bangs slid off her forehead; exposing her slightly cracked open eyes for the first time.

They were e/c. Beautiful e/c eyes stared back at me. 

I could tell she was just barely conscious. When she moved again, I noticed the chains around her ankles and wrists. 

"Takana," (I'm so sorry) I said as I untied the rope around her mouth. Her eyes darted to my left and widened.

A half a second later a gleaming knife swung at my head. I dived and jumped back a couple feet. We were right. The curse laughed manically. It had taken the firm of a human. 

How the hell had it even gotten in here? The doorway was still blocked and there weren't any other openings. It pulled grabbed another knife from the table. 

"No one touches my toys and gets to live."


Author-Chan here. Hiiii. It's been a while. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'm trying to see if I can write two chapters today. Also Im working on drawing a visual of my version of the MC. :) 

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