3. Charos

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One week has passed . No word from her .

Friday evening , I return to my room . A letter . It's the same as before . Slightly aged paper , vintage aesthetic, golden ochre designs all around the writing , "To the savior of my own and the doom of hers , Emrys Graves , of the world without Magic". I tear it open. Same cursive . Two words .

"The graveyard"

The graveyard? Only one came to my mind, one some distance away from here . What does she mean? After contemplating the two words for hours on end, I decided . Sunday night, the graveyard gets a visit from me.

Sunday . I go there around midday. By the time I reach it is dark . I look around . It's beautiful in a creepy way . Death doesn't scare me . It instead gives me hope . My parents are dead . Dying is the only way I can meet them . Well at least that's my belief .

"Hello there!", came a voice from behind . I turn around and come to look at the weirdest person I've ever seen . He (I assumed it's a male from the voice) was..............................a silhouette . His skin was as black as black . His features were not entirely visible in the dark, the few lonely rays of light highlighting some places as grey in the ominous sea of black. His hair was probably messy and spiky. His most striking feature were his irises, which glowed a bright green . Oh and his suit , he was wearing a dazzling white suit .

Seeing me gawking at him he cleared his throat and said , "You must be Emrys, doom of her world and saviour of my own. Pleased to meet you . I'm Charos. I have been sent here by Her Fieriness . So, I hope you will follow me without more questions".

He then turned on his heel and went deeper into the graveyard. I followed . Stupid idea I guess. But I followed . I kept on walking . Abruptly I felt a feeling as if all the heat from this world was gone, and was instead filled with an overwhelming and stuffy feeling . And it was cold. He walked across towards tunnel . Funny , there wasn't a tunnel there, I was sure about that . The tunnel was pitch dark . The only visible thing was Charos' white suit . It was cold . So cold. I could still see nothing . I kept on walking . For a long time we walked on . Finally we emerged onto a scenery of a blackness ; yet this blackness felt emptier and lighter than the tunnel . Nothing . Nowhere . Not much was visible. Just a dim aura fell on everything making them just barely visible. He kept moving on . I followed . Suddenly , a gate appeared out of nowhere . Just appeared there . It was elaborate and had a faint violet glow .

"Come on. "

I followed. The gates opened for us . Slowly......Gracefully.......Noiselessly. It reminded me of "Fire". Slow, always changing , always moving. Noiseless, yet having an impactful presence . The sight of the other side of the gate was the same but not the same . It was Dark . But everywhere , I could make out settlements. Houses like ours . Houses with porches and windows. They weren't very visible but by now my eyes had adjusted a little . The only visible part of the houses were there silhouettes and front side. The back faded into nothingness.

Charos' bright suit was reflected in some of the windows. The image was terrifying ,haunting . White images of him reflecting on the planes of the windows. White like a ghost. Drifting like a ghost. We walked on. And on. Nothing was clear. As we walked on I could see a looming silhouette of jagged towers. We seemed to be walking towards it. As we approached it I could make out that it was a castle . A black Obsidian Castle. It was barely visible but it had an aura. It was imposing and never quite still. Undulating like waves. Swelling when you thought it had calmed. Proving its dominance the moment you felt it was gone.

We walked towards it. Walking on I could make out a gate with a similar aura. As we approached it swung open. Slowly......Gracefully........ Noiseless, yet having an impactful presence .That led us to a chamber . I couldn't make out anything. It was dark. Charos walked on. I followed. I do not know how long we walked or where we went. It was dark and all I did was follow him. After a long time in the darkness, following him, he stopped and said, "I have done my job. You have now been brought to Her."

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