6 Part 1. Other Worlds

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I stared at her . You've got to be joking, I thought. She rolled her eyes and said, "You don't believe me do you?" , she asked and looked at me as if I dared to challenge her words. I remained shut. "Fine then. Ask me. I'll verify the other worlds' existence."

"My world is the one without Magic.".

"Magic doesn't exist."
"Not in your world it doesn't."

"Prove it. Prove that is exists in yours." , I said as I stepped closer to her. Her power dimmed every time she came closer to me or I came closer to her .

"I am under no obligation to prove myself to anyone, including you.", she said coolly. "But to show you what you lack," she said as her form changed , the way fire does; melting away then swelling. A complicated dance of incandescent , half-burnt particles.

Mildly over the fact that her she changed form , I began talking. "Okay fine. Next question. Yours is the world without fire. You said we long deeply for the lost element. You long for fire?" I asked. Her form kept changing , the way fire does; melting away then swelling. A complicated dance of incandescent , half-burnt particles.

"Yes indeed. But not consciously. Only the few who know of this dark red history of ours long for it willingly. No one else knows of this past. They haven't seen or experienced warmth of fire ever. I haven't either. All I know are stories passed down from generation to generation. But yes, I long for it" , she said. Her focus never seemed to be on me completely yet never dimmed away from me.

"What are the portals or points in space that let us travel through worlds?" I asked. "Those points in space are the places where the belief or idea of the lost elements is the strongest. You came here through a graveyard I believe." She looked at me. "Death is a wonderful truth. It haunts us all. In your world, there are so many stories regarding death. Stories lead to supernatural aspects. To you all , the supernatural is the magic. The magic is the lost element. Graveyards are places where death is strongest , where beliefs of magic are at their strongest, thus it acts as a gateway."

"Next question : Is this the same for everyone from all worlds? Because no one in ours believes in magic. And you ask for fire. You long for it. But what if its dangerous to you all. What if its more than what you can take. What if you cant control it?"

"That's more than one question, but at least now you know what to ask for." She gave me a witty smirk. "As answer to your first question, yes every single person alive who has a sane consciousness , longs for the element no longer there in their world. Now for the second question, it was more of a statement anyways."

Then she lunged at my face. Her eyes glowed bright. She wasn't very close to my face but close enough for her power to feel like it was almost gone. That unnerved me the most.

In a whisper she said , "Are you sure you do not long for magic?".

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