New years special?

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Well uh, it's a new year, happy new year's to you all! Sorry for not posting, no ideas come into hear -> 🧠. Or not having motivation.

Anyway, I guess this is basically what some Fnf characters do for new years (Headcanons)

Anyway, enjoy the chapter I guess.

Warnings?: Mild cussing


[Canon Fnf Characters]


*Very happy for new years

*His new year resolution?

*more rap battles!

*You try to tell him to have a different one, but he refuses, he keeps the resolution.

*You'll try your best to encourage him

*He tries to stay up untill new years.

*Which he does, but as soon as it's over, he's out like a light.

*You carry him to bed.


*Pretty chill new years

*No new years resolutions

*if you don't have any, that's fine with her

*If you do, and its good, she'll encourage you to do it!

*She stays up just fine

*If you wanna stay up to? Poggers, vibes all the way

*If you fall asleep, she'll just cuddle you until new years

*Apple cider 'cause    y e s 


*Doesn't really care about the New years

*or so he claims

*happy to make it through a new year, especially with you

*Can easily stay up till New years, or the whole night if he wanted, which he would do\

*But your in his life so-

*no new year resolutions

*drags you with his two other friends

*Maybe bring achool-

*You all just chill for the time until new year's is over

*If you stay up, he'll take you two somewhere, that's open.

*If you fall asleep right after new years, or before, he'll excuse himself and take you home and stay with you

Daddy Dearest + Mommy Mearest (cuz yes)

*They both don't mind new years

*Mommy Mearest just has a few drinks then its a party

*Daddy dearest and you in the back like: 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♂️

*Daddy Dearest MAY have a drink, but probably like, ONE.

*Both can casually stay up until new years

*If you fall asleep before hand, they'll just hold you until new years is over

Spooky Kids (PLATONICLLY!)

*Trying to do Spooky things

*Lila was able to convince them (sorta) to not to spooky things

*But only lasted a little while, before they went right back to doing spooky things

*You just watched over them, really

*They fell asleep before new years

*You just stayed up watching them, talking with Lila until you fell asleep

*slight spooky time

Lemon Demon/Monster

*Just watching you

*You watch him back

*an interesting time at it's finest!


*Enjoys the new years

*would enjoy it more, if his fangirls were up his *ss 24/7

*But was just happy to spend the New years with you

*Tries to stay up

*Kinda fails though

*You just fall sleep at some point

* <3


[Fnf Mod]

Carol Mod

*Very chill with New Years

*A chill time between the two of you

*Tries to stay up with whole time, and succeeds

*but just like bf, she's out like a light as soon it's over

(Sorry her's is short)

Sarvente + Ruv

*They both are neutral with New year

*Ruv really just doesn't care

*But Sarvente tries to participate more into what humans do with New years, but the way's of God?

*She tries to do things with you, Ruv is on the sidelines

*They can stay up for as long as they can please, which they do stay up

*if you stay up, congrats to you really

*but if you fall sleep early, Sarv will just put you to bed-

*They are in a way, immortal, so New years is just a normal day to them

*but they (mainly Sarv, and Ruv being dragged along) try to partcipate

Selever + Raz (PLATONIC!)

*Raz doesn't mind New years

*Selever realistically doesn't care

*but still acts a b*tch to you both

*Raz falls asleep early

*You and Selever just talk until you both fall asleep

*(pretty sure) They are also basically immortal, so they don't really care about New years

*They just want to see their parents, the real them.

Andy Mod (A mod that is still In progress sadly 👍)

*Not much fan of New years

*She knows that she can have some new years resolutions, but he won't do sh*t about them

*Enjoys being with you really

*May possible audio record it on her tapes-

*He'll probably just fall asleep before New years

*Whenever you fall asleep too or stay up, she'll feel kinda guilty-

*But she tires to stay up


I tried-

Anyway, have a good day/night!

Happy new years

And request are open!

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