part 3

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"Just give me the book Jannie!!" A brown haired girl said "Not unless you tell who you love the most!" Jannette said with a pout "Ok..i love you the most.. :)" The brown haired said shyly and looked down. Jannette smiles and hugs the brown haired girl "I love you too!" Jannette said with the most happiest voice..But then..she saw blood..Blood dripping down the Girls back.."Please remember me.."

3rd persons pov
Jannette's eye Grew wide open and began to breathe Heavily 'WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT' she thought to herself..'Please remember me' that kept repeating in her mind..

*at school*
"Jannette are you ok?" sapphire asked jannette who was lost in her thoughts
"Im fine don't worry" Jannette said emontionless "Alrights class as the principal had said there will be a new student coming with us today!" the teacher said happily "please come in and introduce yourself" a Girl with White hair and blue eyes came in and everybody in the class was whipped for her all except one..Jannette..

Jannette's pov
That dream that i had..who was she..And why can't i remember meeting her..or even knowing her name.."hello! My name's Merline" the new student introduced herself to us..but i didn't mind was paying attention the dream..'Im gonna need help..' i thought to myself..cause if that girl was in my dream for the past means she meant alot to me..but the question is...

"Who was she? And how much did she mean to me.."

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