A new start?

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Janettes pov:
How much did she know me..
I kept asking myself i didn't even remember meeting her..who is she..

Merlines pov:

I found her..finally..soon i have to tell her the truth..She must know soon

Janettes pov:
The class ended and i decided to head home..i was walking peacefully while sapphire is talking with me 'Ugh why is she so Noisy sometimes' I thought to myself i know shes naugthy but i still wasn't used to her childishness..but that girl in my dreams.. It never faded out of my mind..It kept reapeating her over and over again..'Who was she'
I kept asking myself

I need the truth as soon as possible

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2022 ⏰

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