The CEO of the year has her own beauty but she's also known as a psychopath. She has a disease was known as ASPD or Antisocial Personality Disorder and she met her crush again who being an idol under her own company. But a guy who has the same condi...
Bright pull Ayla's wrist and walks to their house. He got something for her in the box. Ayla opened the small box and smiles looking at Bright. She shot him a funny look like 'Are you serious?'. "Put them on" giggles Bright. This is her birthday present and she's so excited.
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The earrings are so luxurious. "Thanks" Ayla said shyly. Bright comes closer to Ayla and cuddles her. God, i don't know his cuddle can be so warm. Thanks for giving me this guy. His heart is mine. I want to grow up with this guy until the end of my life. Please don't take him from me. I want to replace all of my emotionless emotions with one word and that's love. Love is not so easy to say it when you're really into it. But if you're keeping that alone and he never knew it that would be hurt as hell when you lost him just because you don't say that one word.
'Pin! Pin!' Ayla honked the car. It's sport car. Hanna looked outside of her cafe and smiles.
"I want to give you this car" said Ayla to Hanna. And Ayla saw Light clean the table. Wow, he's still working even he's in Korea?
"Wow, this must be expensive. But i can't accept it" said Hanna humble. Ayla scoffed. "I'm giving it so just take it stop being so loud" said Ayla slammed the door. Then, she gave Hanna the car key in her hand. Hanna just giggles looking Ayla walked pass her. She chased Ayla and link the arms with her.
"Hey, bestfriend what would you like to eat?" said Hanna with her bright smiley face.
"Since when I'm your bestfriend?"rolled eyes her
"Yeah, yeah,... i knew you're glad i'm calling you that" said Hanna in teasing way even Ayla looked emotionless. "Can you smile one more time?" asked Hanna. Ayla stopped and sighed, then she looked at Hanna. She does her awkward smiles and walk into the cafe. That's making Hanna burst in laugh. Ayla is so hard to smile sincerely.
"Wow, are you planning to move to Korea too?" asked Ayla to Light who cleaned the tables.
"Well, if that what Hanna want me to" said Light. She looks at Light then Hanna. Hanna is avoiding her eye-contact. Is there something happened between them? Ayla smirks. Seems like they have something to do behind her.
"Give me Americano less sugar" said Ayla sit on the chair.
"Ai ai, Madam" cheerfully Hanna said while did a salute to her. Hanna makes the coffee for her. "Hey, we met again" said a guy. It's Jungkook. Ayla's faking her smile and approached him. "Do u also like this cafe? This is my favourite place" said Jungkook sit in front of Ayla.
"Well, this is my first time here" Said Ayla honestly.
"Nice earrings. You bought them?" asked Jungkook since he doesn't have topic to talk about. It's the earrings that Bright gave her. She wanna opened her mouth.
"I gave them to my only lover" a familiar voice said. Bright sit next to Ayla. Ayla can't stop smiling. He's jealous. "Ah, i guess i need to go then.
"Yeah, you should" fake smiling Bright with a meaning tone. Jungkook just waved to Ayla and get his coffee with him and step out from the cafe.
"They're good,right?" whispers Hanna to Light looking at Ayla and Bright. Light just keep quiet and make the coffee for the customers. Ayla crossed her arms and lean on the chair while smirks looking Bright. "Why don't you call me? You should spend time with me than the jerk-kook" said Bright. Yeah guys that's a clearly jealousy moment.
Ayla get something from her purse and give it to Bright.
"What's this?"
"My concert ticket. It's VIP seat. Come to my concert" said Ayla stood up and get the Americano at the pick up place. She walked away.
Hanna's Americano Recipe:
Fill a mug approx 2/3rds full with hot water.
Brew a single or double espresso (as per taste or order) directly into the mug containing hot water.
Enjoy your Americano!
There's a lot of people. Bright tries all his best to cover his face with mask and sunglasses so nobody notices him. He sits at the VIP seat. Everyone cheer up for Ayla. Ayla looks at Bright. She's so pretty. She's the real bright on tonight stage. Her make-up is amazing. The new song she realeas.
Hello, dear lover of Casuarina,
I have something to tell you,
Every pages in my diary just full with your names,
I want to kiss you passionately eventhough it's so cold here,
Steps into the beach feeling like a Neverland,
Our story just under the Casuarina.
Bright smiles listen to the song she wrote. He knew that's about us. The beach, the diary... all of about us. She wrote all of the romantic moments that ever been in their life. Someone suddenly spots him. "Are you perhaps... Bright from FlashMe?" asked one of the fan there.
"It's him! OMG!" excited the fans. Some of fans are mad of him. Jealous of him but some are supporting their relationship. Everyone seems so surprises. Ayla get him and he stepped on the stage.
"To all my fans. I admit it. I have a boyfriend and he's here. And i love him so much."
"We love you both too!!" the fans screams. Ayla takes off his mask and sunglass. Then, they look into each others eyes. It's like only them there. Nobody there anymore. It's only their world.
"KISS! KISS! KISS!" screams the fans. And Ayla move closer to his face then they kissed passionately. It's like as if it's their last. The fans are screaming like they just got shot by the cupid, Too much in this area.