The CEO of the year has her own beauty but she's also known as a psychopath. She has a disease was known as ASPD or Antisocial Personality Disorder and she met her crush again who being an idol under her own company. But a guy who has the same condi...
I can feel the air-condition in his room. It's cold but not cold enough to cool my heart down. I look at the baseball bat in his closet with a picture. There's only a picture of his father, his brother and him. But he tears up half of his family picture. This baseball bat is pretty i want it. But who's the rest of his family?? Why did he tear the picture up? What is he hiding from me?.
The baseball bat with the world 'KILL & LOVE' on it. With Moon joo's sign behind it. I want it.
What his family have done to him until he's being a sociopath? I need to find out but first i need to run away from him. I need to protect Bright from him. The door is opened. I smirks looking at him. He's only with a bathrobe. He steps to me.
"What are you doing with that?" asked Moon Joo pointed the baseball bat. He comes closer and I push his chest with the baseball bat. To make some space between us. Moon Joo face become serious.
"You're engaged to Lalita,right?" asked Ayla tilted her head with smirks. Moon Joo emotionless but i can read his eyes. They are saying 'How did she found out?. Ayla pointed the baseball to his head. It's not only that dear, i knew your dirty plans. He will kill Bright cause i've loved him before Moon joo himself.
"Bravo, you got it" Moon joo smiles softly. His dangerous smile is back.
"Sign the contract. Let's not meet again" said Ayla put the contract on the bed. He sighed and looked at Ayla in anger. I can see his face turning to be red and he's breathing quick than usually. He's out of patient.
"You think I'll let you go?!" yells Moon Joo. I never knew this will be our break-up.
"You must to let me go. SIGN IT!!" now my turn to be mad like a dragon. I just blow the fire from my mouth.
"You think you can tie me up with a piece of paper? You knew we're not like that, Ayla" rudely Moon Joo said. He tears up the contract. "Promises and Rules are trash" said him. They are just a word. Ah, this is boring enough to hear him talk like these.
'BAKKK! BAKKK! BAKKK!' I hit his head repeatedly. Again and again. Some blood is out of his nose after i beat his head and nose with the baseball bat. Hit really Hard. He fainted on the floor. I need to run to Thailand now! Before he even wake up!!. The contract is now red with the blood.
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I watched Hanna from far at the mall with a cute boy. That must be Ploy. He has his father's lips. She bought some clothes for Ploy. Ploy is now 3 years old. He's Hanna's and Bright's son. Ayla stepped closer to them she saw me but she just walked away. I knew she saw me. She's ignoring me.
"You're having so much fun after my death" Ayla said looking at her nails and lean on the wall. She can't ran away anymore. I use short way to caught her. I'm now right in front of her. She looked pale. "What do you want? Who are you?"
"You forgot me. Oh my,... I'm forgotten" Ayla said with her purpose surprises face. She's still pretty and her outfit really like a top star model.
Now we're at the Baskin Robbins and taste some of the ice creams. Ploy just focus on his ice chocolate ice cream. Ayla smiles look at Ploy. He's really bright's son. "So, here I wanna say... I need Bright"
"No, he's now my husband. You should move on, Ayla. WHere have you been these years?" with teary eyes she said. I sighed and polish my nails with the eyes 'How boring..' meaning behind them. Hanna looked desperate to save his family.
Ayla scoffed with an evil smirks. She tapped the table with her finger making sound 'Tap Tap' to wake Hanna up. It's enough with your sweet dream babe. Wake Up! Ayla's face turn to be red. She's on fire. She's full with anger.
"How many times you did it with Bright?" i asked again looking at Ploy.
"What do you mean?" asked her again.
"Since when you slept with Bright? I knew everything. I just want to think either i should help you or no" yeah if she's being honest I might want to save him from Moon Joo. Hanna dropped her jaw. Her mouth open then she closed it back. I want to know the truth from her mouth.
"Since before we broke up. Before he even date you. Long time ago" said Hanna. Ayla scoffed. So, he lies that he never have a sex with any girl. She's not the first girl he slept with. Damn it. A tears fell down from my cheeks. And i feel a small hand held my hand. It's Ploy. "I'm sorry for stealing him away" said Hanna.
"Ploy knew when should him comfort people. He learn about human's emotions. He said he wanted you to learn about human's feeling and he can't do it with you so... he did it to Ploy. He's always love you, Ayla" explained Hanna. Yeah. That should calm me down. But. He's a liar. He gave me hope!!
"อย่าร้องไห้ คุณเศร้า" said Ploy. Ayla looked at Hanna in curious what's he saying. Hanna's smiling.