The CEO of the year has her own beauty but she's also known as a psychopath. She has a disease was known as ASPD or Antisocial Personality Disorder and she met her crush again who being an idol under her own company. But a guy who has the same condi...
Ayla looked at her and exhales calmly. "He's moving after you're gone" said her with a sweet smiles. Yoo A nodded in understand and get out from there with Kim Won. "Omma, where's appa?" asked Kim Won that look so cute in the blue t-shirt. Yoo A face her son and smiles.
"Appa is not here dear" smiles Yoo A and rubs his hair then together walk away. Ayla smirks evilly and look at the door that goes to basement. She goes to the basement and saw Kim Wang already dead. His mouth full with blood. Moon Joo put out his teeth one by one. I can see his organ systems drop out from Kim Wang's stomach. His dead body. We burried it behind the homestay. Bye, darling.
Where is Kim Wang? It's being mysterious.
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"Why you wanna meet me,bitch?" asked Ayla sits on the chair across from Lalita after finish my work. Lalita smiles evilly making me scoffed. She sips her coffee. "It's has been long time you ran away from the cops,... new identity huh? Melsara Robert?" asked Lalita focus on her laptop screen. Ayla giggles with 'what do you care' meaning behind my eyes. I think she got the message behind my look.
"You knew why i called Hanna a slut?"
"Cause you wanna to see like you're the boss around us. Isn't that right?" i asked with the eyes 'So childish, Come on. I knew a person like you' message behind them.
"Don't be so naive, Ayla. Hanna is not virgin from the start" said her again.
"They're married now. Leave them alone. Face me you asshole" Ayla get her purse and stand up until one word came out from Lita's mouth. Both of her feets are stopping for a sudden. "Bright had sex with Hanna when they dated" said Lita. Without i realized it. My tears fell down from my right cheeks. He said he's virgin. He said I'm his first.
"Are you that surprise? Why? He told you that he's virgin?. You are smarter than that Ayla. Stop it that was funny." she laughed but she cover her mouth to be more polite. "I knew you hate liars. They both are liars" said Lalita sipped her coffee again. It's great that she can't see my tears just dropped on the ground and i'm not facing her. Once i turned around she will see everything.
"You know what's more shocking?" asked Lita again. I can't bear to hear these anymore. It's not true she lied. "I'm MJ's fiancee..."
The Reunion Day, Moon Joo is also there. He wanna move closer to Ayla and he saw she is mad at Hanna. And Khai also join the fight. "Who are you? Are we a classmate?" asked Khai when Moon Joo wants to meet him. "I can see in your eyes. You hate your own sister." said Moon Joo with a smirks. He hates to see Ayla is protecting another guy. Khai has no clue. Moon Joo who told Khai and gave Ayla's mental condition file. He wants Khai to kill Bright for the payment. He's smarter. He won't kill by his two hands. He's using their enemy.
I closed my eyes. No, the truth that i knew are lies. This is not reality. This is a nightmare. Wake up!
Ayla opened her eyes. She's already in her car. She can't bear to hear more. This is too painful. If not cause of her, bright won't be in danger. If Khai doesn't meet Moon Joo. He won't get her medical file. If... if... i stay away from Bright. These won't be happened. I lost my real identity cause of the one i love. The one i love in the present, Moon Joo.
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I saw his chat meet me at the location i sent you. Then, i go there. It's a place where the broken and old cars were placed. I can see Moon Joo is on the old car. I stand by and bring the contract with me then i climb up the top of the broken car. No one is here i think this is why he wanna meet me here.
Moon Joo smiles looking at Ayla. His handsome face and that's making my heart pounding so fast. I climb up the car. Then, i sit next to him. I'm trying to fake smile. He ties up my shoes with his. Like a couple "We will start to be a normal couple like you want" Moon Joo pulled my nose making me giggles. Even the giggles still sound sad.
"Describe me with three words" said Moon Joo meanwhile i look at our shoes. "Hot,sexy and charming" I tell him the truth. That's how i see him always. His face. The only him can make me easily say that i'm not alone. He's with me. He and I are both in the same situation. The pain and our story are always make us be the same. We're together.
"I knew it. Your birthday is coming next month. I will make sure you add one more word. Cute!" I laughed hearing him said that.
"I want you to wear the bear costume when my birthday" i said cutely while pout. He really wanna do it? But will we stay together until next month? Can we, Moon Joo?
"I will describe you with 5 words since you like compliments. Sexy,Cute,Charming,Savage and... Mine" said Moon Joo. Ayla feel touch with the end of the sentence. Mine? I guess yeah.