phase one

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"Attention applicants, congratulations for making it to the first phase of the hunters exam. If you don't want to die or get badly ingured... Feel free to leave now." After a moment of silence no one left."very well. Now if you would please follow me to the second phase of the exam." Then everyone started to walk. A few minutes later he started to pick up his pase I saw at the front people started to run so I picked up my pase into a slow jog then next thing I know I'm running. It wasn't until 5 minutes I felt someone staring at me. It was the boy in the green he made his way over to were I was. "Hi! What's your name?" Hes wondering about me? "U-um (Y/N)." "wow thats a nice name! I'm gon!" I didn't know someone would be interested in me,like asking my name. I nodded and continued to look forward. "HEY KID YOU CAN'T DO THAT! THAT'S AGAINST THE RULES!" I heard the old man in the suit screaming at a kid around me and gon's age with silver hair and blue eyes. He was riding on a skate board. He looked confused on what he said. "THIS IS A ENDURANCE TEST!" "No its not." I turned my head to see gon responding to the old man. "Gon! What are you saying!" "The examiner only told us to follow him." That is true."HUH! Gon! Who's side are you on?" Then I saw the boy with silver hair staring at both of us then he slowly rode down tword us. "Hey... How old are you guys." Gon was the first to answer "I'm 12." I stared for a minute and looked forward. "I'm 14." "Huh? your two years older than me?!" "Yeah why?" The boy does a trick and gets off his skateboard. "I guess I'll run too." "Wow! that was so cool!" Impressive. Then he looked over at both of us. "I'm killua." "I'm Gon!" Then killua looked over at me."and you..?" I stayed silent for a moment "(Y/N)" he nodded and we continued to run. Then later I didn't hear the man gasping for air. Then Gon and killua stopped and I stopped a few feet away. "Hey,let's forget about him let's keep going." "Wait hang on a minute." I said. "HEY OLD MAN DO YOU REALLY WANT SOME KIDS KICKING YOUR ASS? COME ON YOU CAN'T GIVE UP THAT EASY! GET UP MAN!" then I heard him mumble something. "Screw that. IM GOING TO BECOME A HUNTER DANM IT ALL!!!" then he suddenly burst into speed and runs right past all three of us. The wind almost blew my hood off but I caught it in time. Then gon got out his fishing rod and throws the line and caught the guys suitcase and wheels it I . "cool!" Killua looks amazed. "You gotta let me try that later gon!" "Hey let's keep going you two." "Okay" Then we all continued to run.

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