chapter 16

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We all have been running in circles and everyone was panting. "30 minutes of running around just to end up in the same place we started?" "Well its called trick tower for a reason!" I said. "We should have taken those stairs down." "Shut up! We all agreed on this route." Leorio said. I sighed... We all started running around and finally made it passed the giant rock.

I walked over to the survey thing. "We're all supposed to vote on opening a door? We all want to move on so of course we want to open it." I pressed O and the score came up.

O=5 X=1 I stared at the score and looked down at gon who accidentally pressed X. "I've had enough of your crap!" "Leorio! Sorry I accidentally pressed the wrong button!" "Huh? Oh...I see..." Leorio let go of tonpa and started walking away. "Hey wait! You owe me an apology I can't let this slide." "Its your own fault for making me distrust you. I don't owe you anything." "Yet I'm not the one who earned us 50 hours of time wasted in a small room. If anyone we should distrust you!" "What?" "Oi Leorio.." "Shut it kurapika!" Leorio and tonpa got ready to fight. I have enough! I pulled my familys sword out of my bag. Disappeared and appeared behind tonpa and Leorio with the sword against their necks. "Enough! Your wasting time! You two will settle this later I want to get out of this Danm tower! Let's go." Tonpa and Leorio nodded, I took the sword off their necks and put it back in my bag.

We walked into another room with weapons on the wall. "Hmm were close to the goal..." I said. "Let's see this will be the last majority rule decision you make. Are you ready? Choose O or X" killua read out loud.

"Please select a path. One path allows all 6 of you to pass but its long and difficult, the other path is short and easy but only allows 4 to pass." The examiner said on the intercom. "Incidentally the long and difficult path takes about 45 hours while the short and easy path is only 3 minutes press O for long and difficult path or X for short and easy path. If X is selected you must handcuff two of your members before the door will open. And they will not be able to move until the time limit exceeds,"

We stood and decided I decided what to press. "I'm going to press X. But I have no intention of staying behind. I will do anything to be one of the 4 who will go on." I stood and listened.

"Your a shameless person. Had you not cost us those 50 hours." God not this again. "We could have taken the long path. Shouldn't you take responsibility and stay behind?" "What?" Leorio said." I'm sure everyone else agrees! Have i-" "Tonpa shut up. Clearly your the shamless person.For this entire exam you have been trying to bring us down. Why would we choose to leave Leorio behind first? Why not leave you? Anyway I've made my decision I'm going to press O. Even if it means fatso gets out alive..." "But we do-" kurapika started but gon cutted in. "(Y/N)'s right! We started here together and we are going to finish together!" "Gon, (Y/N) there's only one choice. I'm planning on us three getting out by X." I don't like this tension.

My attention left killua when Tonpa yelled. "Hyahh!!!" I got in front of Leorio and caught tonpas ax with one hand. My hand didn't bleed cuz it was my wounded hand with the ace bandage around it, although it was cut a little. I grabbed my dagger and cut the neck of the ax.

Tonpa grabbed another ax and chased after Leorio. I was going to do something when my head started to hurt. I grabbed my head in pain closed my eyes in pain. and a voice in my head started to speak. Kill know you want to...he deserves he is anything but innocent... "SHUT UP!" I opened my eyes to see the ax broke the wall. I looked over at gon who seemed to have an idea and killua and kurapika who seemed surprised on what I just yelled out.

We all pressed O. And we grabbed axes and broke through the wall to the short and easy path. Me,gon,killua and kurapika all passed through. "(Y/N),applicant 188 is the 20th to pass, Kurapika,applicant 404 is the 21st to pass, killua, applicant 99 is the 22nd to pass, gon applicant 405, is the 23rd to pass. Total time 71 hours and 59 minutes." I sighed. "My butt hurts! I didn't expect a slide for the short and easy path!" I smiled and closed my eyes and shook my head. Then leorio and tonpa pass shoving eachother.Then my head started to hurt even more. 'You should have killed would have been way easier... Go away!

A loud buzz is heard and its announced now that the third phase has finished. 26 have passed and 1 has died. A door opened shooting in warm light. I'm glad all of us passed...

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