Hey :)

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Hey everyone, 

It's been a while, but I just wanted to pop on here and say a few things.

First, THANK YOU for all the love on this story. When my friend convinced me to start this a little over a year ago, I had no idea it would get this much attention. I love all of you... from the ones who started this journey with me to the ones just now reading.  I have to say that I was going to write another JATP story, but it just wasn't meant to be. I lost motivation so I decided to scratch it. 

Second, I'm sure you have all heard are beloved show was cancelled. I was heartbroken by the news and believe Netflix has made a terrible decision. My only hope is that another streaming service pics it up and gives us a second season to our comfort show. Until then we will just have to wait.

Third, I am thinking of starting a new story, but I wanted your opinion on who it should be about.

1. Marvel... I have been messing around with many ideas from a Bucky Barnes fic to a very needed Peter Parker and Mj after nwh fic (Because I love them, and it cannot be over). Marvel has always been a part of my life so either of these stories would mean a great deal to me.

2. Encanto... this movie has brought out some major inspiration out of me. Something I haven't felt since JATP. Especially Bruno, I just love underappreciated characters who have been treated wrongly. He so geeky and nervous and I love him and would love to explore a young romance between him and an OC. If you haven't seen Encanto, it has a beautiful reputation of Columbian culture and it's a great movie with amazing songs. (You should really go watch it)

3. Finally Star Wars... Obi Wan Kenobi, ugh my original comfort character. He has always been one of my favs so I don't know what would come out of it, but it would be fun to explore.

If you haven't seen any of these projects, you should really watch them. They are truly amazing in their own ways. If any of yall have an opinion on some ideas on these or some of your own I would love some input.

But again, thank you all for reading and voting and commenting. (I really love yalls comments) I really do appreciate it. I hope you all had an amazing holiday season and have an amazing new year. 2022 here we go.

Love, K

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