Chapter 1

42 2 15

Warnings for chapter: Swearing 

Word count for chapter: 1,612

The rules of the world go as follow and everyone must follow:

There are pretty privileges. I.e The above-average looking shall be granted special v.i.p privileges like passing classes, special treatment at restaurants, cafes, fast food places, and have a 35% discount off any purchase.

The rich are allowed a 15% discount on any purchase as well as have special treatment at restaurants, cafes, fast food places, etc. They are allowed to pass classes much like the above average, however, they must pay for said classes they want to pass.

The above-average are only allowed to marry others above average or the rich. It is forbidden for an above-average to be in a relationship/marry those who are considered average or below.

The average or below will be allowed to befriend those above them as long as it stays at that. If it becomes more, the average or below will be shunned from society and will either be sent to prison for treason against the laws or have to pay a fine depending on status.

The average or below will not be allowed jobs in certain fields. I.e anything involving entertainment, politics, sales representatives, teachers, writers, nurses, or being a doctor.

The average or below are only permitted to have two kids to prevent the population from being overrun by the average or below. That does not include triplets, etc. If they have more than two, the youngest will be sent to an adoption centre to be adopted by those who are unable to have children.

 If an average or below has a child that is of an above-average status, the child will be the only one allowed to use pretty privileges.

If an above-average have an average or below child, the parents will be the only ones allowed to use pretty privileges.

You lazily dragged yourself out of bed and headed to the bathroom. You stare at yourself in the mirror while tiredly brushing your teeth. You rinse out the mouthwash and run a hand through your hair. You sigh and walk out of the bathroom. You grab a change of clothes and get dressed for the day. It's 8 am and you have to be in class by 8:30. Thankfully your dorm is only 10 minutes away from the class. So, you picked up your backpack, shoved your needed books and left.

The walk to class was a cold but quiet one. was. Until famed superstar, Choi Yeonjun started to walk beside you with his groupies following closely behind him. He was just walking to class...your class. You walked in silence while Yeonjun made conversation with his groupies. You didn't quite understand why he was walking beside you if he was just going to ignore you. Not that you cared. Nope, definitely didn't care. You had to keep telling yourself trying to lie, in hopes one day it will be the truth. Because truthfully you, Y/n L/n, were hopelessly in love with the one and Choi Yeonjun. The school's hottest superstar. He's famous for his talent at dancing and gorgeous voice. But you didn't have a chance to be with him. You were the school's biggest nerd. Famed for late-night study sessions, tutoring the hopeless, getting straight A's, and being the favourite of every teacher. So you had absolutely no chance to end up with someone like Yeonjun. Plus it was forbidden and he was already promised to another. Ah, there she is now. Heading straight in your direction. Wait...what?

There she stood right in front of you. Ari. The school's pride and beauty. She was all beauty and no brains. Not that there was anything wrong with that, however, she tends to think she can get away with anything just because she's beautiful. No, you aren't projecting. Just because she's beautiful doesn't mean she should be allowed to pass all her classes with flying colours. Sadly, that's just how this university works. In fact, that's how they all work. If you are either rich or beautiful then you can just bat your eyelashes or flaunt the bills in your wallet and pass all your classes. It sucks for those who are deemed average or below because they have to actually work their asses off. And the same goes for romances and relationships. Pretty rich people stick with other pretty rich people. It's considered forbidden for those who are considered either average or below to be with someone who is considered above. Which you personally think is complete and utter bullshit. And no, it's not because you are secretly in love with Yeonjun and think you would have a chance if there weren't rules of life. But that's the life you were born into, that's how the whole world works. Bound by rules.

There's a legend that says there's a place. A place where people can just be people. Not bound by the rules of the world. Not bound by being average or above. Allowed to be whoever they want and be with whoever they want. But it's just a rumour. No one knows if it's true or not because no one ever comes back, but why would they? You wouldn't. If you had the chance to escape the rules of the world, you would. In a heartbeat. No hesitation. Except that isn't an option nor was it the reality that was currently in front of you. Nope, she was standing at an above-average height, with an above-average face, gorgeous cupid bow lips, and espresso eyes. Yeah, she was perfect for Yeonjun. Everything about her was perfect...Except for her not so perfect attitude towards you and her entire personality.

Ari rolled her eyes at you and scoffed, "Now you're hanging out with an average, Yeonjun? Didn't take you as someone who was interested in charity."

Yeonjun sighs and smiles over at Ari, "Hello to you too Ari. But Y/n is anything but charity. She's rather smart and really good at English. Seriously, her creative writing stories are insane, you should listen to her most recent one." You could see the gleam in his eye as he spoke highly of you. He knew your name? How did he know your name? Forget that, the real question was, why he was praising you? Why was he defending you? Especially against his promised one.

They weren't dating, but everyone knew that Ari was in love with Yeonjun. Yeonjun has yet to ask her to be his. Everyone was waiting for it, that's probably why Ari was currently glaring in your cardinal direction while she joined you, Yeonjun, and his groupies on your walk to creative writing. You can definitely get why she was acting the way she was, but at the same time, you didn't. You were an average. It's forbidden for you and him to be together. Why would she be threatened by you? Unless it's not you, she's threatened by. There are usually above-average Yeonjun groupies. Maybe she was glaring at them because he was talking to everyone but her. So, you turned your head to look beside you and then behind you. However, there wasn't anyone beside you or behind. Well, that's weird. Whatever.... probably doesn't matter. She's probably only upset because he defended and praised you. Yeah, that was probably it.

You arrive at your class and quickly head to your seat. Near the back, no one near, by yourself. Just how you like it. Helps you focus better on class when you aren't near another person. You look over at the door and notice Yeonjun saying goodbye to his groupies and Ari. You roll your eyes and look back down at your notebook. You start scribbling down random story ideas that come to you so you don't forget them. You got so lost in the writing reality that you didn't notice Yeonjun strut his way over to you and sit down next to you. He just stared at you while you wrote, admiring every detail of your face. It wasn't until the teacher cleared her throat that you realized he was sitting next to you.

You whisper to him, "Why are you sitting here? Don't you usually sit in the front?"

He leans in closer and whispers back, "Yeah, but I thought I'd sit here for a change. You seem to do so well in this spot so I thought I'd give it a try." 

"Can't you just bat your eyelashes and pass the class?" 

 "Yeah, but then I don't actually learn anything if I do that. What's the point of going to school if everything just gets handed to me on a silver platter?" 

 "Yeah, I wonder that myself," you think to yourself, "Fine you can sit here, as long as you don't bug me while I try to work." 

 "I won't bug you if you promise to get coffee with me after class. I know you don't have another class after this. Unless you plan on hanging out with your best friend, then I understand." 

 What the fuck just happened. Did Yeonjun seriously just ask to get coffee with you? And he knows your schedule and who your best friend is? What the fuck??? How the hell are you supposed to respond to that?

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