Chapter 6

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Warnings for chapter: Swearing, 

Word count for chapter: (not counting the rules)

The rules of the world go as follow and everyone must follow:

There are pretty privileges. I.e The above-average looking shall be granted special v.i.p privileges like passing classes, special treatment at restaurants, cafes, fast food places, and have a 35% discount off any purchase.

The rich are allowed a 15% discount on any purchase as well as have special treatment at restaurants, cafes, fast food places, etc. They are allowed to pass classes much like the above average, however, they must pay for said classes they want to pass.

The above-average are only allowed to marry others above average or the rich. It is forbidden for an above-average to be in a relationship/marry those who are considered average or below.

The average or below will be allowed to befriend those above them as long as it stays at that. If it becomes more, the average or know what? Who cares anymore.

You stared out the window of the passenger seat of the van. Music played in the background as you watched the city pass you by. Your window was rolled down, letting cool air fill the car, cooling the on coming summer heat. Yeonjun was singing along to whatever was playing, distracting you from the passing city. Soobin was passed out in the backseat, a blanket covering him, and his hair dishevelled.

It's only been a few days since you made the biggest decision of your life and ran away. And for the first 24 hour, all three of you kept getting spammed with text messages and phone calls from your parents. Your parents stopped trying to reach you after the first two hours, which means they probably got notified about your expulsion and gave up on you. Soobin texted his parents what he was doing and that he didn't want to live in this society, but that he wanted to find the Lost City to have a better chance at life. They supported him and you wished you had parents that were as wonderful as his. For Yeonjun, they were the only ones that wouldn't leave Yeonjun's ignored text messages and phone calls as a sign, so they would keep calling every 45 minutes to see if he would finally answer. At the 24 hour mark, Yeonjun got so annoyed that he threw the phone out the window of the van. He didn't care that he would no longer have a phone because he finally felt free. His parents wouldn't be able to track him nor will they ever find out his new phone number if he ever decided that he wanted to get a new phone. You saw the relieved look on his face as soon as the constant ringing of the phone finally stopped. You interlace your fingers with his and give him a soft calming smile, easing him even more.

You don't know what city the Lost City is near, the boys refuse to tell you, they want to leave it as a shock and surprise. You're pretty sure it's just going to be a small run down town, so you really don't know what the whole big deal is. But you'll let them have their fun since it seems to lift their spirits these days. Soobin probably misses his parents and other friends, but you're really lucky and happy to have them by your side.

Skyscrapers keep passing you by, it seems as though you are going to be leaving the city soon. You're really hoping that the Lost City is real otherwise you will have nowhere to go. Soobin's parents will probably let him come back home and Yeonjun's parents would be over the moon to know their heir was returning. But you? No one would let you rent an apartment, parent's don't want you anymore, and anyone who let you live with them would become associated with a wanted criminal. And your only crime is wanting to fall in love with an above average when you are an of the worst crimes to be committed. But now, you don't care anymore. You have your best friend by your side and the love of your life. The rules, society, and the government can frankly go fuck themselves.

Yeonjun makes a left at an intersection, turning into a gas station. Must be time to take a break, get gas, and snacks. "I'm going to refill the gas so that we'll have enough to make it to the Lost City. Want to come with me and get some snacks? This'll probably be the last stop for a while, we'll be leaving the city fairly soon," Yeonjun turns to you and asks. He unbuckles his seatbelt and turns off the ignition, pocketing the keys.

"Yeah, let's leave Soobin to sleep. He looks quite peaceful," you unbuckle your seatbelt and open the car door. You hop out and grab your wallet. Yeonjun gave you some cash for you to spend and so that you had some on your person.

Yeonjun followed you inside and went to the register to get a full tank of gas, while you went to find snacks for the trip. You were grabbing your favourite chips, Soobin's favourite, and then you grabbed a bag of Yeonjun's favourite chips. You stuck the chips in the basket and headed to the candy aisle, might as well grab a couple of sour gummies and dark chocolate since you don't know how long it'll be before you arrive to the Lost City.

You head over to the fridge to grab a couple of drinks. You feel a tap on your shoulder and turn around. What the fuck?

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