Chapter 4

18 3 4

Warnings for chapter: Swearing,  someone gets a kiss , fluff, angst :(

Word count for chapter: (not counting the rules)

The rules of the world go as follow and everyone must follow:

There are pretty privileges. I.e The above-average looking shall be granted special v.i.p privileges like passing classes, special treatment at restaurants, cafes, fast food places, and have a 35% discount off any purchase.

The rich are allowed a 15% discount on any purchase as well as have special treatment at restaurants, cafes, fast food places, etc. They are allowed to pass classes much like the above average, however, they must pay for said classes they want to pass.

The above-average are only allowed to marry others above average or the rich. It is forbidden for an above-average to be in a relationship/marry those who are considered average or below.

The average or below will be allowed to befriend those above them as long as it stays at that. If it becomes more, the average or below will be shunned from society and will either be sent to prison for treason against the laws or have to pay a fine depending on status.

The average or below will not be allowed jobs in certain fields. I.e anything involving entertainment, politics, sales representatives, teachers, writers, nurses, or being a doctor.

The average or below are only permitted to have two kids to prevent the population from being overrun by the average or below. That does not include triplets, etc. If they have more than two, the youngest will be sent to an adoption centre to be adopted by those who are unable to have children.

If an average or below has a child that is of an above-average status, the child will be the only one allowed to use pretty privileges.

If an above-average have an average or below child, the parents will be the only ones allowed to use pretty privileges.

The flower's Yeonjun had given to you, sit in a vase on your window sill. You look at them every chance you get. You were confused. What was your relationship with him? The lines between friends and something more blurred with every interaction. It didn't help that anything more than a friendship with him was considered illegal. And it really didn't help that the whole school heard what happened between Yeonjun, Ari, and you. Nor did it help that Yeonjun really did call off being Ari's promised one. Seriously, what did it all mean?

You hear a knock on your dorm room door and you get up from your spot. You open your door to find Yeonjun standing right in front of you. "Yeonjun? What are you doing here? We aren't supposed to meet for another couple of hours. Miss me that much," you tease. Moving out of the way so he can enter the dorm.

"I heard that Ari has been harassing you ever since I broke off the promised shit." He comes into the dorm and sits on the couch. You follow suit and he pulls you into his side. "I see the flowers are still alive."

"Of course they are. You really think I would kill them in five days?" He shrugs his shoulders and you playful push him. Yeonjun smiles and playfully pushes you back. "Anyways, yeah Ari has been harassing me. She's been trying to get me expelled claiming we are in an illegal relationship. Even if we were, why should anyone care if pretty people aren't with other pretty people." You roll your eyes at the audacity of Ari.

"Don't listen to Ari. She's probably still angry that I called everything off. But I would rather be someone like you who's absolutely sweet and cares for others the way you do. Someone who could care less what my status is. I would rather be with you than someone like Ari. Besides, I don't think the system is even accurate. I mean, they said that you were average. And I personally think you are above and beyond pretty."

You look at Yeonjun and the way he was looking at was as if you were his entire galaxy. You honestly didn't know how to respond. You've never felt loved more than this moment right here. Yeonjun cradled your face with his hand. He leaned in closer and closed his eyes. In a second, you felt his lips on yours. And oh my gosh, they are so soft. It felt like hours, it was only a couple of seconds. But you could swear that was the best kiss of your life. Yeonjun went in for a second kiss, but you rejected it. "Yeonjun, we can't. You know that and as much as I would love to kiss you right now, we can't."

The look on Yeonjun's face was heartbreaking. You felt your heart shatter and break into a thousand pieces. "Why? Is it because of Ari?"

"I could care less what Ari thinks or says, but I could get in major trouble. I could get expelled or even sent to jail." Yeonjun took your hand and threaded your fingers together.

"We could keep it a secret. And as much as I would love to show you off, I would rather be able to be with you in secret than not be with you at all. We can still do regular hangouts in public and pretend we are just hanging out as friends."

You could hear the desperation in his voice. People know that you two are friends and hang out frequently. You could turn those hangouts into dates and no one would know the difference. Maybe it'll actually work. "Okay...We can try it, but if anyone starts to catch on or gets suspicious we'll have to stop immediately, deal."

"Deal as long as I get to finally call you mine." Yeonjun's smile lit up the world. He pulled you in closer again. "Can I please kiss you again?"

You smile and instead of replying, you put your lips onto his. You take back your statement. This was the best kiss of your life. You felt every ounce of love that Yeonjun has for you as he poured his feelings into the kiss. You returned his feeling with just as much love and passion as you have towards him. After a few minutes of just you two embracing each other, you both reluctantly pulled away from each other. You couldn't believe that you would finally be able to call Yeonjun yours. After crushing on him since you first saw him, thinking he'll never feel the same nor want to be with you just because society deems it impossible. You've never felt happier.

In the rules of life, your happiness didn't last that long. Not after receiving a phone call from the school telling you that you've been kicked out for breaking the rules of the world. You couldn't believe it when the dean of the school told you that you would no longer be allowed to attend anymore. You don't even know how they found out or how they could even prove that you were secretly seeing Yeonjun. Yes, you've been continuing your regular hangouts but during those you just act like friends, no one should be able to tell the difference. You felt your whole world come crashing down.

Yeonjun walked through the door of your dorm and noticed you sitting on the floor with your knees to your face. He could hear you crying and knew something was wrong. He came rushing to your side and pulled you in for a hug, "Baby? What's wrong? What happened?"

"They expelled me Jjunie. They somehow found out about our relationship and kicked me out. What am I going to do now? They threatened to tell the cops if I didn't move out within the next day." You held onto Yeonjun's shirt while he held you tighter.

"Ari must be behind this. She must've somehow caught onto it and instead of ignoring it, she decided to get you kicked out. But baby, I've been thinking about this for a while. What if we ran away? What if we go far from here and leave everyone behind?"

"But what about money? Your parents? Soobin?"

"Well, as I've said, I've been thinking about this for a while. Way before we got together because I'm tired of the way society treats everyone. Anyways, my parents have been sending me money for food, rent, and such. Instead of using that, I've been working part-time and putting that money aside so that I can finally leave this place. Besides my parents could care less about me. My dad just wants me to be the perfect son and take over his company. Mom forgets about my existence so she probably won't even notice."

"You've been planning on leaving for a while? But still, what about Soobin? He's my best friend, I can't just leave him behind. He'd be devastated."

"Well...I've already talked to him about it and he wants to come with. So, let me ask you again. Y/n will you run away with me?"

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