Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

I forgive you

The next day

It was now another morning at Royal Woods and we see Lincoln and Lynn at the park, and you may ask why they are not at school? Well, due some problem at the gym it was having an infection so they have to suspend school for a week.

But let's go focus at Lincoln and Lynn who were under the tree, since they arrived at the park they hadn't said anything to each other, it was somewhat uncomfortable from Lincoln's point of view, meanwhile with Lynn she was on her thoughts on how to apologize to Lincoln.

Lynn: "Alright Lynn, you can do this, just apologize to Lincoln. Just choose the correct words as not to make an mis understanding, and don't let your pride take control" (She thought to herself as she tap her left foot)

Lincoln: ..... Alright Lynn, what were you saying last night? And don't worry i won't be mad (He said as he looks at Lynn with a small smile)

When Lynn saw that smile, she finally plug up the courage to speak.

Lynn: ..... Lincoln, i ... I just want to apologize about the bad luck rumor ... I'm sorry for making you suffer from those years, if i just accepted my defeat none of this wouldn't happen ... "sniff" all b-because of m-my stupid "sniff" pride (She said as she started to cry) I was "sniff" s-supposed to b-be "sniff" a great o-older sister to you ... but i-i "sniff' failed you .... (She said as she looks at Lincoln with tears in her eyes) I-i p-promise you "sniff" i-i .. can ch-change ...

Lynn: I-i know it s-sounds hypocritical on m-my part "sniff" B-but please ... give me a c-chance "sniff" O-one more ch-chance.

Lincoln was very surprised on what he was seeing, Lynn Loud .... was crying! He never saw Lynn cry before ... Well, last she cried a little but he never saw Lynn cry so much .... not really since whenever Lynn loses a game, she will cry for a whole day inside her room without going out and that Lucy doesn't like since she will have to go sleep on the sofa.

Lincoln fir his part, he felt bad to see Lynn cry, yes he was angry with her for inventing the Bad Luck but a little part his also his fault for playing along but who could blame him? When a boy is surrounded by many sisters you have to cancel all your plans for them and because of that, the more you help them, the less time you will have for yourself.

He was still looking at Lynn who was still crying and waiting for a response from her brother and she did.

Lincoln gave her a hug for which she reciprocated with force and Lincoln said some words that made Lynn finally in peace with him again.

Lincoln: Hey, don't worry, it's all in the past now, it's also partly my fault for playing along with it. And i can see that you are feeling so guilty with all of this, i was really hoping you will change and you did (He said as parted from the hug and looks at Lynn) but you did it pretty late like the others.

When Lynn heard that she began to cry even more and Lincoln noticed this.

Lincoln: Hey hey hey ..... Don't cry, I'm not done (He said as he out his hand on Lynn's shoulder) but i forgive them, did i? So i will also do the same to you, you are still my sister after all (He said with a smile)

Lynn: S-so "sniff" th-that means .. t-that i ...

Lincoln: Yes Lynn ...... i forgive you.

When she heard this, she couldn't help but cry, but not from sadness but from happiness, without thinking twice she pounced on Lincoln and gave him a big hug while she was still crying leaning her head on Lincoln's chest.

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