A Story Especially For You

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"My sweet......My precious...Gyahahaha!"

Wha....? Who's talking?


What the hell? That sounds so creepy...and familiar. Wait wait wait what's that dark shadow moving towards me-

"mY sWeET....My pRecIOuS!!!!!"



I sat up, gasping for air. The sheets were wrinkled from my grip and strands of hair stuck to my forehead.  After calming down my accelerated heartrate, I hugged my knees to my chest. It was just a dream...just a dream

A/N: I found this draft from Jan 2022 and now, months later in Sept I see it without any context or clue from what was going on in my head while writing this. So I decided to publish it as is. :) 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2022 ⏰

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