A Girl Can Dream

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For the first time, he couldn't talk to a girl. She wasn't anything extraordinary, by all means. He would gauge her as pretty smart for passing AP biology. She wasn't particularly excellent in tennis either. But he always noticed that she was kind and helpful to a fault. There were times he would get annoyed by how she is so forgiving or does not receive the merits she deserves. He thought they wouldn't really cross paths until he worked together with her. He found her a hard worker, just lacking a strong sense of confidence and time. She shone through literature and writing, and he couldn't help but be intrigued by her depth sometimes. Seemingly plain and simple, her thoughts are complex and her personality unique. He was disappointed that she wasn't in his next science class but reveled in being able to hear her discuss again in English. It wasn't anything special. He just noticed. And he acknowledged her. He never noticed her lingering gazes.

She was messy. A better term would be largely disorganized. She was alright, except for the tendency to feel depressed. She never got truly professional mental help though needing it. She didn't notice him until he answered in science. It wasn't as if she fell in love at first sight. She merely grew to admire such a talented individual who played tennis and achieved high scores. He volunteered a lot, too. It made her appreciate a fine specimen of the opposite sex. He wasn't a true gentleman so to speak, but his mild roughness and confidence drew her attention. His deep voice was an attractive boost and being acknowledged was a wonderful feeling. Sometimes she feels down and disappointed when he doesn't listen. One Friday, she came out of tennis and glanced back once more at his figure. Sighing, she realized her affections. About to tell her friends, she opened her mouth only to hear that one of her friends like him. Her heart closed. Mind numbing, she quickly left and lamented over something that could never be. Feeling torn, she locked up her feelings, unwilling to act and afraid to tell. She was pained when she worked with him, her friend claiming how lucky she was. She didn't feel like it. Tired of feeling, she left it over summer. Yet when she saw him in her classes again his presence was just so magnetic she couldn't contain the trickling emotions. For now she will admire from afar. But boy is she growing lonely despite being determined to stay single forever. Still, a girl can dream. ♡




Time passed, and feelings became stagnant. Simply fellow classmates now, it was better to nod and greet one another, occasionally.  It wasn't love, but it was enough.

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