Chapter 1- The First Time

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Summary- This chapter is inspired by Chapter 21 of The seven Husbands Of Evelyn Hugo pages 126-127. I rewrote Evelyn and Celia's first kiss, but from Celia's point of view and added a twist to it. I love that scene and also Celia liked evelyn before evelyn liked celia, so it would be interesting to see how she experienced the kiss, since evelyn kissed her first. This chapter is set on the night Celia won her first Oscar, while in the book their first kiss is originally set on the night Little Women premiered.


I still couldn't believe that I really done it. I, Cecelia Jaminson won a fucking Oscar. How could this possibly be real? I really did it. Winning an Oscar was something that I've always wanted ever since I joined  my high school's theater club. We all wanted to become stars and win Oscars but it just felt like a fantasy that could never happen. It still feels like a fantasy, See the thing with having your dreams come true is that it doesn't feel real at all, you get happy and excited but part of you still feels like your 17 year old self who you used to daydream in the middle of calculus class about becoming a Hollywood movie star.

When they called my name for best supporting actress , I opened my eyes as wide as an elephant's mouth and my jaw fell to the floor because it felt so surreal. While I was on stage and was giving my speech was when it hit me, and I swelled with pride and joy.

But then I thought about Evelyn, I thought about how much she wanted this and how hard she worked for it. I thought she was going to be upset at me, and stop being friends but then I saw her in the audience smiling like a proud mother and I knew that an award would not come between our friendship.   I still wished we both could've won the Oscar, I knew it would make her happy and I always want to see her smiling cause she looks drop dead gorgeous when she smiles.

But now that we were at the after party, I couldn't find her anywhere, it was as if she was hiding from me, but it was normal for her to not want to be around me and see everyone congratulating me and praising me.  Or maybe she was with Don. I knew Don Adler didn't like me much and I've noticed he's a bit controlling with Evelyn so maybe he was the one keeping her away from me.

I was getting tired and irritated. Multiple men saw the opportunity to congratulate me as a way to try to get under my pants. I just wanted to go somewhere with Evelyn and celebrate with her. Maybe we could have a nice dinner, and then we would go get ice cream for dessert at CC Brown's. CC Brown's was where Evelyn and I hung out for the first time outside of work, it was the place Evelyn and I agreed to help each other, It was the place where our friendship started, and it was the place where I realized that I liked Evelyn Hugo and not in a friendly way.

After a while I got tired of chit-chatting with a bunch of obnoxious self-absorbed hypocrites so I decided to go be alone for a while. I grabbed a cocktail and walked around until I found an empty room.. I sat down on the floor, I drank and let myself relax for a few minutes before going back out there to fake smile at a bunch of dickheads.

When I finished my drink, I stood up, put my hand on the doorknob, and swung the door open to find Evelyn standing there. She looked magnificent as always but I could tell something was wrong by the look on her face.
'Evelyn what are you doing?"
"How did you find me"?
"I ran into Ruby, and she said I could find you drinking in the laundry room. I thought it was a euphemism''she said. I guess Ruby saw me come in here.
"It wasn't." I replied.
"I can see that"
We stayed silent for a few seconds and just stared at each other. I wish we just stayed in that awkward silence cause the next sentence she said nearly gave me a heart attack and made me want to disappear into nothingness.

"Do you sleep with women?" She asked. When she said that my heart started beating as fast as it did when I was on a roller coaster. I quickly shut the door, fearing someone from the party could hear us. Why did she ask that? Why would she suspect it ? Did someone from my hometown tell her about the things me and my old best friend did when we thought no one was watching? Was I a little too friendly with her, did I accidentally do something that made her suspect that I liked women more specifically that I liked her?

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