[Chapter 1: Moving Away]

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As turbulence shook through the plane, my eyes flickered awake, raising a hand to rub my weary view beforeI glanced to my mother and father beside me. Her head rested against his shoulder, and his arm remained tightly wrapped around her, love.
Love was always one thing i've always lacked, and since my dad is always getting promoted, I never have time to love somebody. There was one boy, Oscar, a year older than me, who was a really caring individual, though he came out as Gay and we split up after a few months of dating. Though, we remain extremely close friends; until now. Any other time my family and I have moved it hasn't been that big of a deal, but this time, I'm moving to a completely different state, and leaving all my friends behind, including Oscar.
Ding. The sound shook my from my thoughts as I looked out the window, unfamiliar surroundings below me caused me to sigh, Orlando, Florida. It looked all so different, and a voice above me spoke, "Welcome to Florida. We will be landing shortly, please shut your food trays and prepare for landing." To that, my parents awoke, looking over to me with a smile. I ignored it. I was pissed, and they just continued on like I didn't just leave my home.
"I'm sorry, Maura, but this job is very important,"
my father speaks. Silence came over us before the plane shook heavily and the planes' tires connected to the asphalt runway. I wince, and grab my Personal items from below the chair in front of me and sit upright, as the plane slowly came to a halt.

[Time Lapse: 3 Hours]

We step into our new home, and my body shivers with discomfort. "Your room is the first room on the right upstairs, Go ahead and unpack the bathroom and your room, then you can get ready for bed and school tomorrow." Wait, School? "What do you mean? I'm not homeschooled again?" My mother sighed, "No, Maura, me and your father decided it would be best if you went to public school, considering we both will be very busy with our new jobs." Anger filled me, and all I could do was stare in anger before i grabbed a duffel bag and my suit case and stormed upstairs to avoid any further conflict with them.
After unpacking the bathroom and putting up shower curtains and towels, I finish up by decorating my room slightly and putting the sheets and pillows on my bed. After I proceed to get ready for bed and lay my outfit out for tomorrow, I flip down on my bed, curling up in the covers while my mother steps in, whispering quietly, "Goodnight, Maura."

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