•26• "Hello, I'm Zoe."

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If your into drawing and art watch the video above! It's really cool!

Shawn's POV

I wonder what this person looks like.

I was still waiting for the person to get off of there flight.

I'm guessing they know what I look like.

Oh and don't think this is going to be some famous person I'm singing with, it's just a beginner, their label is trying to get more people to discovered them, just like me, but I didn't do a duet with someone.

They are just starting out with this new life.

I saw a girl on her tippy toes trying to look over the crowd she was in, she must have just exited the plane.

Her eyes met mine, and she smiled and started waving. I jogged over to her and pulled her out of the crowd of sleepy tired people with big suitcases.

She had brown hair, and these striking blue eyes. She looked about 5'9".

We found chairs and sat in them.

She had a big black and white plaid suit case and a big backpack slung across her shoulders. They looked heavy.

I stuck my hand out in front of her.

"Hi, I'm Shawn Mendes." She shook my hand.

She gave me a big smile. "Hello, I'm Zoe." Zoe, Zoe, Zoe, remember that Shawn.

"Well we better be getting going now." She said.

"Oh right, let me carry your suitcase." She rolled it to me and I clutched the handle.

"Okay, follow me." I dug in my pockets to try to find the keys to my car. I found them and held on to them.

I could here the every little thud when the suitcase when over a new tile.

As we were walking through the airport I noticed that Zoe, looked very curious about everything she was seeing. Tilting her head at every sign we passed, examining the food waitresses were handing people at tables.

I saw the exit door and I was ready to push the bar on the door to open it but Zoe stopped me.

"Wait! Shawn, I want to press this." She pointed to the wheelchair or disabled button that had a picture of a blue wheelchair.

I laughed. She pressed it, and the doors opened extremely slow.

She giggled.

Oh geez.

Finally they were open enough that we could walk through.

I looked up at the sky, it was dark.

It must be late.

I looked out the side of me to make sure Zoe was still following me. She wasn't there.

I snapped my head in front of me, and there she was walking right in front of me. Her little heels clicking on the pavement.

She turned her head and smirked. "You walk very slow."

"Sorry." I chucked.

"Okay that black car is mine, right in front of you."

I unlocked it and she got in the passengers seat and I got in the drivers.


She nodded.

*5 minutes later*

I wanted to break the awkward silence.

"So, are you excited, to sing together?"

She nodded her head keeping a her eyes on the road.

"Are you a starting out artist?"

She nodded again.

"That's cool. Coolieo. Cool slice. Cool whip. Cool it." I had no clue what I was saying.

She laughed, and revealed her white perfect teeth.

"You think I'm funny?"

"No." She stopped laughing.

I gave her a small smile.

"I think I'm funny." She gave me a cheeky smile.

"We'll see about that." I answered questionably.

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