•29• "I-I broke the p-promise."

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Shawn's POV

"W-What's w-wrong w-with y-you?" I couldn't catch my breath from laughing.

I was laying on my bed, and Zoe was sitting in my spinning chair trying to catch popcorn going super fast.

Her head was doing this really weird bobbing back and forth motion. It was really funny.

The chair almost fell, and she almost went down with it.

She stopped.

"Can we keep watching the movie....please?"

She plopped down next to me and I pressed play on the remote and the movie begun again.

I wasn't sure where Riley was or what she was doing. I haven't talked to her in a while.

We have three days off from school, for some reason.

We have two more days of freedom.

Because, today's Tuesday.

Ry hasn't met Zoe yet.

I'm sure she'll love her, they'll be besties.

I mean best friends, guys don't say besties pshhh.....

Riley's POV

My hand was gripped on to Mike's.

I was dragging him through the crowds of drunken teenagers. I was looking every where for Will.

I couldn't find him anywhere.

I barged through a bathroom and found him sitting in the shower.

I rushed to him and bent down at his side.


His head was hanging low, and he wasn't moving.

"look at me." I demanded.

He didn't look up.

I shook him, and he looked up.

He had this innocent look on his face.

"I-I broke the p-promise." He smelt like beer.

He was drunk.

"I don't care, get up....now!" I grabbed one of his arms and Mike grabbed another.

"I didn't know it was a pajama party....why didn't you tell me!" His temper went mad.

I let go of him and stood right in front of him. I had fire rushing through me. I slapped him across the face.


Mike started laughing. "I can't wait to tell him about this in the morning!"


"Stop. No. Don't apologize, dummy. Just keep walking." I held on to him again and we pushed through the crowds of people.

Once we were outside, Will perked up again.

"Am I drunk?" He put his finger in his nose.

"Wait what? I have five fingers?.......I must be a monkey." He kept talking to himself, I ignored him.

We shoved him in the back seat of the car. I kissed his forehead and went to the passengers seat.

Mike patted his shoulder and said, "As long as you don't puke in my car, we're good buddy."

Mike sat in the drivers seat and put on his seat belt, and started the engine. And we drove off.

Will fell asleep, man was he a heavy sleeper, I through a bouncy ball at his face but he didn't wake up.

Mike hasn't spoken.

"I'm sorry."

"For what?" He didn't take his eyes off the road. "For calling you in the middle of the night."

"Seriously? I'm always here for you Riley...in a heart beat I would come, in any situation."

I smiled.

"Okay, okay, don't get all big brother on me." I laughed. He chuckled.

"I'm going to bring you to my house, okay? My parent aren't home."

"Sure, my moms probably asleep, well she is, but I'll just call her in the morning."

He nodded, and placed his hand on my knee.

I felt safe.

I don't know why.

I realized, that...I have these friends that will do anything for me. Be there when I need them, comfort me when no one else is and help me in situations.

And what I mean by friends is Jamie, Will, and Mike.

I don't have many friends, but as long as I have true ones that's all that matters.

Do you have true friends?
If you wanna share your answer, comment!

Dear readers,

I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while.

Things are crazy.

I should be able to update again soon, I'm on vacation for a week, it's not going to good so far and it's only Monday.

Ugh, how I hate life so, so much!

Okay well bye, and there's a question for you at the top of this note please read it.

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