part VII

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Something everyone knows about me is that I am a massive over-packer. Even if I am just going to visit someone for the weekend, I will show up with my suitcase packed to the brim and threatening to explode at any given moment.

The minute I got Jeff's number from Alina I had my suitcase open on my bed and was standing in front of my closet with my hands on my hips just staring into the abyss that is my wardrobe. Jeff and I were able to make plans for me to land the morning of Harry's show in LA and was going to be leaving late on Sunday night. Logically, one would only pack enough clothing to last for about four days but knowing Harry he is going to plan something or want to take me somewhere and that just adds to my stress.

That night after Harry asked if I would come to visit him, I texted Alina and asked her for Jeff's phone number. Once I had that I called Jeff instead of texting him, figuring it would be best if I could talk to him without the waiting game that texting involves. I knew that Harry was performing so Jeff was able to step into an empty room and help me plan how best to surprise Harry.

The plan is for me to fly into LAX the morning of his show with Alina picking me up from the airport. She will then take me to the venue, and we will just hang out there for the morning. I'll probably end up taking a nap in someone's dressing room until Harry is done with his interviews for the day and eventually shows up to the venue with me surprising him in his dressing room right after soundcheck.

I'm going to be real, I'm very nervous. Everything is unpredictable with Harry. For all I know an interview of his could get canceled causing him to show up early, or he will decide he wants to go to his dressing room before soundcheck (the plan is for him to go straight to soundcheck once he arrives at the venue) and will ruin his own surprise.

Currently, I am sitting on the plane reading through my messages with Alina. I have about an hour left of the flight and I haven't been able to sleep once. Normally I can sleep through a whole plane ride, but the nerves of my plan are keeping me up. My stomach feels like it's been doing flips since I woke up. Alina said she would be waiting for me by baggage claim. Harry's stylist is in town since it's Harry's last show and he was already in LA working on a different project, so Alina was able to slip away for a few hours to pick me up and drive me. I'm excited to see her as I haven't really talked to her much since we first met. I love her though, we have a lot in common, mainly the fact that our fashion sense is almost identical. We also share a strong love for marvel movies and amusement park rides.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we are beginning our descent into LAX. Please place your tray tables up and your seats in their upright positions. Thank you for choosing to fly with Southwest Airlines, we hope to see you soon."

I am shaken from my thoughts as the plane starts to descend into Los Angeles. My nerves surprisingly settle a little as I catch a glimpse of the city from the sky. I have never been to LA before, this is my first time away from the east coast of the country, so I am very excited to be exploring this city, especially with Harry, someone who has very quickly become one of my best friends.

Once we land, I am one of the first off, the plane. Jeff insisted on buying me a first-class seat saying that if he didn't and Harry found out he would be smacked. I wasn't complaining, the extra leg room and more comfortable seating wasn't going to be passed up. I basically bolted to the baggage claim, having to pause every few moments to read the signs to make sure I was going in the right direction. LAX is fucking massive. I finally find the luggage carousels and am looking around for a familiar face when I hear my name being called.

"Cass!" The sound comes from behind me, so I go to turn around and am instantly being enveloped in a bone-crushing hug. Some of Alina's hair flies into my mouth so I take a few moments to clear it away before I am squeezing her just as tight as she is me.

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