Forbidden love and all my other storys put together

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Forbidden love
Toga and deku were secretly dating nobody knew they were dating so they had a 5th date and they gave eachother a kiss little did they know todoroki and bakugo saw them and told everyone that deku was dating toga and deku was told not to see her anymore so deku ran away crying then went to toga told her what they said taht they can't date anymore toga comforted him and said we can secretly date and don't tell anyone about us deku started to smile but they found out the first time she said I know but we can be extra careful to make sure nobody knows anything so they continued dating nobody knew that they did deku texted toga every day and night
They got caught again deku yelled I don't care I love her you can't stop me from seeing her then he kissed her again
Toga and deku got married had 6 kids they all had togas quirk and deku's quirk also they had a great life together and was happy every day the spent together that's the power of love in this story. Fire love
There was a handsome man named todoroki he had the quirk of fire and ice there was a girl he didn't meet yet her name is Rachel todoroki has saved a lot of people putting out a huge fire with his ice he went to the park after putting out the fire just to see someone trying to rob a girl that girl was Rachel pretty red and black hair with red and green eyes she has the quirk of fire and black hole so she used her fire quirk to burn the guys hand so he would leave her alone little did anyone know they were both villains playing a game just to capture todoroki so he walked over to her to make sure she was ok and he got hit on the head with a rock the lov captured him then asked him alot of questions todoroki and Rachel grown feelings for each other Rachel loved him so much she released him back to the hero's and that's how they met they found each other again got married and had 1 kids they named her Carson her quirk was black hole and ice. Lovers to enemies.
Once there was a married couple there was a beautiful girl with purple and red hair she had the quirk of purple ice and fire her name is rachel then there is her husband tokoyami he was so handsome he had the quirk of dark shadow there parents did not approve of their marriage but they got married anyway and moved into their new house with their kids king Maggie William and Fred Maggie had her moms quirks William and Fred had purple shadow then Rachel and tokoyami went to the park with their kids and the kids started playing and tokoyami and Rachel started fighting over who should go watch the kids tokoyami yelled THEN WHY DONT WE JUST GET A DIVORCE Rachel's heart sunk and she asked him if that's what he really wanted he said maybe it is and she went got the kids and packed all their stuff and her stuff the went back to tokoyami and said I hope you have a great life without me and our kids and signed the divorce papers then she left tokoyami signed the papers and gave them to the lawyer they were now divorced Rachel had no place to go so she went and lived with this kind man she saw on the street after the man asked her if she wanted to stay with him till she finds a house he was so handsome his name was dabi he had the quirk of blue fire and he was a part of lov and didn't tell Rachel so he showed her the kids room and her room they put their stuff away then walked downstairs Rachel asked dabi on a date he said yes so they went to dinner and had a great time then she saw tokoyami with her sister mika and rolled her eyes then she kissed dabi and they went home now she was tokoyamis enemy she was apart of the league of villains she fought tokoyami and he got really hurt dabi walked up to her then sayed you go home with the kids I'll deal with this so Rachel went home and went to bed when dabi got home he kissed Rachel on the forehead then went to sleep couple of days later the kids were watching tv and it showed up tokoyami was killed last night they cried then said mommy daddy died Rachel and dabi came down stairs and hugged the kids mika was the one who killed tokoyami tokoyami and Rachel were married for 14 years and then became enemies. The tree house
Once there was a man named dabi and a girl named Rachel
They met in a tree house and started off as friends until he burned the treehouse down with his quirk blue fire and she put out the flames with her quirk water and they remained friends then they fought and they stopped being best friends until he left town and didn't return for a year or to then he came back with a present for Rachel and he went to the treehouse and found her and gave her a present the present was a stuffed cat with a real dog they named the dog Rachel and then they lived as best friends  then they got married and had kids one of them was named Kelly and her quirk is water and blue fire like her father and mother the other kids name was kyle and his quirk was blue fire like his father the last kid Kelly and kyles twin  was named Jamie and had no quirk Jamie was sad that he didn't have a quirk so Rachel and dabi came up with a idea they held Jamie up and used their quirks as his so he would feel equal so he had blue fire and water quirk even tho he was born with no quirk his parents gave him theirs to use he burned a tree and put it out with his moms water quirk he loved his life. Last love
There was to people bakugo and Rachel they fell in love but what Rachel did not know was that bakugo had a girlfriend and she was upset and then he told her that they had broken up and he was single now Rachel was also single so she started to smile and he asked her out to dinner she declined politely and asked if they can rain check the date bakugo said sure anything for you he kissed her hand and said good night she kissed him on the cheek bakugo blushed when Rachel kissed him they both said goodnight and went home the next day they met up and she said yes to his offer for dinner they dated for a while then they got married and had 4 kids 2 girls and 2 boys the boys names were kayden and Jayden for the boys and Kylie and Lilly for the girls they had a wonderful life until Rachel's ex boyfriend came into town to take her back bakugo and her ex fought and fought till the end of the fight bakugo won and kept his one true love and her ex has lost and said I'll be back and when I do I'll be much stronger than ever bakugo and Rachel lived happily ever after. Love at first sight
Once upon a time there was to vampires one named dark and the other named Sean dark was a beautiful young lady with short black hair  she wore a blueish blackish hoodie with a red shirt and Sean was a handsome man with short blonde hair he wore a leather jacket with a white shirt.
Dark met her friends at their school the school is only for vampires werewolf's witch's and other monsters her friends honey and Rachel was a witch and a vampire they introduced sean to dark
Dark got invited to a party that sean invited her to so dark went and put one her most nicest clothes and sean put on a suit when dark git to the party she seen sean dancing with a pretty girl named Izzy and she started to cry her friends walked over to her and seen that she was crying and asked what was wrong she pointed at him and then ran out the door sean saw her run out of the party and ran after her she totally ignored him for a week to weeks later sean and dark seen eachother at school and they talked before class and after class they fell in love when they saw eachother and they started dating a year later he proposed to her and she said yes they got married and had 2 kids together. True love kiss
Once there was a guy he was so handsome with his long black hair his name was aizawa then their was his best friend he was adorable his name was hizashi they both secretly had a crush on eachother for a while now and never told anyone but their closest friends/family aizawa told eri about it and hizashi told denki then a couple weeks later denki and eri set them up on a blind date they were blindfolded so they could not see eachother they sat down at a table then they got unblindfolded saw eachother and started blushing then aizawa asked out hizashi and they both started dating they kissed for the first time on their 2 date they knew they were meant to be right that minute so they got married adopted kids named them Riley and Rico Riley had aizawas quirk and Rico had hizashi s quirk they lived happily ever after that was there love story.

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