Rainbow ~ Coming home late.

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This is manly inspired by Hippiloony if they want this book taken down as well it will be taken down. Thank you for a book idea! Let's get on with it-

Narrators POV

You sat in the chair staring at the computer. You looked at the bottom right corner to see the time. 'Im going to be home late again..' You felt bad for your girlfriend. You have been wanting to spend more time with her but your work has been making you sort there writings in folders. And it doesn't help that there's probably thousands of works to be sorted.

Your phone dinged, you picked it up to see a text from Rainbow. You opened it and it read, "Don't overwork yourself please. I know you'll see this message before coming home so don't lie and say you didn't see it."


She sent it on Snapchat so she knew if I saw it or not. All I needed were five more sorted and I'll be done for the weekend. The people finally gave me a break with work.

Later ~ When Y/N got home

"Rainbow.?" I whispered, seeing if she fell asleep on the couch. "Your home!" She said getting up from the couch and coming to hug me. "And I have good news~!" I said. "What's the good news?" She asked in a low voice. I forgot that Draco had some issues with his dorm and had to sleep here. "Im off work for the entire weekend." I said in about the same volume as her last spoken line. She looked like she was about to explode with happiness, but she didn't because the younger in the household was asleep. "That's great! So we can spend the entire weekend together?" "Mhm." I hummed picking her up. (Your taller- idfc/idfk if your taller then Lunar or not.)

"Now let's go to bed, so we can enjoy this weekend and not be cranky-." I said playfully at the end. "Yeah! But we should be quiet cause Allen is still sleeping." She said. I'm used to calling him Draco. I haven't spent much time cause he is mainly at school. I am allowed to call him Allen but I use Draco cause it comes to mind more.

"Yeah so let's go, and shall we see who gets there first~?" I ask setting her down. "You'll win obviously. But let's just go I'm tired of waiting already." She said. That was a pun. A very understandable pun.

We got in bed and we cuddled because we normally don't cuddle.

"I love you Y/N.." She mumbled drifting off to sleep.

"I love you more Betty." I whispered and kissed the top of her head and soon after I drifted off to sleep.

To be honest. I wrote this in one night so any spelling mistakes may have been made. I need sleep- I'm supposed to be getting up in less then 4 hours.I'm trying a different writing style so I wanna see if you guys like it. But anyways I'll be signing off but before I do. Make sure your eating, and drinking properly! And sleeping! Your mental health is more important than your beauty. But I'll be signing off now.

Written by: SundayMorning79/Me.

Published at: 2:24 AM for Sundays time zone.

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