Enemies to Lovers?

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I had no inspiration for the title, so please bare with me. ALSO THANK YOU FOR MORE INSPIRATION @yuuuukkkkiii (I still don't know how to spell your name, I have bad eyesight) ANYGAYS STORY TIME, this may be more than one part because why not? Also there will be drama 🤭

Side notes:
1. I Read "Jock" as "Jerk" so Uhh Yeah.. 2. This will be long because I love these tropes so flipping much. 3. Spelling errors will occur. 4. Some YHS characters.

Narrators POV (Football game)

"Draco. I do not care. We are going because you can't stay in the dorm by yourself. You just read all the time! Have some fun." The outgoing pink head beamed, dragging her brothers arm to the bleachers.

"Yeah, you've told me this five times already! Might as well sit through the game and then I can go back to studying like you four should." Draco eyed all four of his sisters but they all ignored it.

Funneh ran up to a place on the bleachers and sat down. The others followed and all sat down. Just as they did the speakers came on and loud as they were right behind the five. Draco jumped a little causing some eyes at him.

"Welcome everyone to the second game of the year! Now may I present the whole team from our side then the other side."

The announcer said all the names but as soon as that one name came up everyone started to scream and squeal. Draco looked up from his phone and saw the one jerk of the school. The main one. Y/N.

Draco looked over to his sisters and they all were staring at him in love or something. Draco looked back at his phone not interested at anything in this place and continued to do stuff on his phone.

"Draco? I'm so surprised to see you here!" Draco looked up and saw one of his peers in class, he knew her somewhat well but not as friends.

"Hey Naomi. I'm not supposed to be here but they dragged me here." Draco pointed at his sisters then Naomi spoke up.

"Well if you wanna ditch this thing you can say you're hanging out with a friend near here. We'll ditch this place and go to a cafe or something. If it's okay with you of course." Draco looked at the field then looked back at her sighing.

"Yeah I'll go, let me just tell them real quick." Naomi gave a thumbs up and turned her back to make it not obvious. Draco turned around and tapped on Rainbows shoulder. "Hey Rainbow, I'm gonna go hang out with a friend near here. I'll probably meet you guys at the dorm or something."

"Fine, but you better meet us back here after the game. Got it?"

"Maybe.. My friend said we might go do something right after."

"Fine, but be back at about ten."

"Fine by me, bye."


Draco got up and walked up to Naomi as she dragged him by the wrist and they went to campus and to a little cafe that was still open.

"So what do you get usually?" Naomi asked, trying to start a conversation.

"Whatever my sisters get, but I don't really care. I'm not that picky."

"Well I wanna know what you like, since I looked at the teachers papers and apparently were paired for the next assignment... Yay.?" She didn't know what to say as Draco looked up in shock.

"You didn't steal the papers right?" Draco asked, getting a bit suspicious.

"No of course not! I'm not a jerk or a cheat like Y/N." Draco sighed in relief after she said that.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jul 02, 2023 ⏰

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