Gold ~ Shopping/Confession

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School about to start up again 😃 bare with me while I have many spelling mistakes- I'm using they/them pronouns for Y/N because I'm not going to use certain set like she/her so you can replace it as your rightful pronouns! 🙃

Narrators POV

"You buy so much stuff." "You just don't know the experience of shopping at a mall!" She said while walking into the food court. "You want food?" You asked your crush. "Mhm... Annie Ans Pretzels?" She asked you with a kitty cat look that you couldn't resist. "Alright."

You guys got more food than pretzels. You sat down to eat and you've been wanting to tell her you've like her for a while. "Y/N? Your spacing off a lot of something wrong?" She asked after taking a bite out of a pretzel. Now or never. You thought.

"I... I like you.. more than a friend." You said barely but she heard you. Silence filled your table.

Golds POV

Silence filled our table. I like Y/N too, more than a friend. "Y/N... I like you more than a friend too!" I said. Y/N lifted there head up and I saw a flustered face. "Ohhh~ flustered~?" I asked. "Shush!" Y/N said embarrassed. "So are we a thing now.?" I asked. "If you want to be.." Y/N said, still embarrassed. "Yes I would love to be your girlfriend Y/N~!" I said in a kitty tone. Y/N blushed more then I have seen them blush. "Let's just continue shopping!" Y/N said getting up. "Alright!" I said also getting up.

Later ~ At Krews house

"Kim! Your home! Oh you brought a friend?" "Hi Y/N!" Betty said. Before her saying hi it was Wenny. "Hi Rainbow.." Y/N said shyly. "You can call my Betty! And I thought you we're going home after shopping with this shopping monster." Betty said. "I am not a shopping monster! But we decided that we should come here. Now Cmon Y/N!" I said getting away from more questions from my siblings.

"That was a good save!" Y/N said said as soon as I closed my door. "Mhm... my rooms messy but it's about to be more messy." I said looking around. "It's not as messy as mine- trust me." Y/N said. "I trust you. I've gotta a question as well."


"I trust you. I've gotta a question as well." She asked. "What is it?" I ask. "Do you wanna stay over for dinner maybe?" She asked a little shy. "I'd love to stay for dinner! My parents won't be home until a couple days." I said, my parents we're on a business trip and they've been gone for a week. "Oh! Our parents won't be back in a couple of days as well!" She says. "Business trip?" I ask. "Mhm! It may extend.. but it's alright!" She said going to her bed. "I KNOW ITS EARLY BUT DINNER YOU PEOPLE UPSTAIRS!" Betty yelled from downstairs. "Let's go eat!" Gold said. "Mhm!" I hummed.

It was awkward silence at the table. "Some secrets are being hidden. So we want tea~!" Betty said. "No Allen's just mad that he lost to me!" Funneh said. It was the complete truth he wasn't eating either. "Okay- Kim? Y/N?" Betty asked us. "Oh! Nothing happened!." Gold lied. We didn't want to say it immediately. "There dating." Draco said looking out the window. "EH-?!? Is this true?!" Lunar asked. "Yeah..." We both said. "Congratulations!" Betty said. "Yeah that was unexpected but congrats!" Funneh said mouth full of food. "Chew with you mouth close Kat!" Gold said. For me it was normal calling them Gold, Rainbow, Funneh, Lunar, and Draco. Also hearing it. But now that I'm in there establishment I hear Kim, Betty, Kat, Wenny, and Allen. I know who is who but it's different. "Are you gonna eat?" Lunar asked Draco. He looked up at her and the look he gave her, gave her the answer.

Narrators POV

"I can do this dishes!" You offered because you remember Kim saying that they normally fight over who does the dishes. "You don't have to Y/N!" Betty said. "I insist." You said. "Alright!" Betty said. You collected the dishes and went to the kitchen to wash them. "That's a keeper!" Betty said. Kim started chuckling. "My keeper." She said. "Mhm!" Kat hummed.

If you want a part 2 let me know- I need to go to sleep- this isn't as fancy as Rainbows but I didn't know what to do for this chapter but I think I did good, there we're moments I blanked- but next chapter will probably be angst 😈 I'm evil like that. But get prepared... 😃 anyways! I'll be signing off.

Written by: A sleepy SundayMorning79/Me.

Published at: 1:36 AM Sundays time zone.

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