Trapped together

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Everyone was eating and then I looked up and saw Isabella whisper to Dolores her eyes widened then slowly Dolores whispered to Mariano, Mariano chuckled and smiled then Mariano whispered to Camilo coughing then shape shifted and Felix told Camilo to fix his face then he fixed himself and Camilo whispered to Felix spit out his water and Felix whisper to tía pepa had a rainbow over her head and tía pepa whisper to Julietta, Juliettas eyes widened then she smirked and then Julietta whispered to Augustine and Augustine whispered to abuela and abuela laughed slightly I was scared but didn't say anything I quickly finished "gracias madrigals but I must get going-"but then abuela put her hand up to stop me from leaving "Y/N why don't you stay the night? I'm sure your papa wouldn't mind he knows his child is in great hands" then I awkwardly said "sure but I need to go home to grab some clot-" then Isabella said "no worries I have some clothes!"then I was about to say something "you can sleep with Bruno since he's the only one with a room available-" bruno looked confused "but we have 2 other-" pepa kicked her brothers knee from under the table "oh shit okay okay-"

{~in Bruno's room~}
I was getting changed and Bruno walked in on me changing my clothes "OH MY GOD BRUNO GET OUT I'M CHANGING!!" He just stood there in shock looking me up and down I didn't know what to do "BRUNO!!" Then he snapped out of it and left and I got dressed and laid in bed then Bruno joined me "your not gonna turn off the light are you?-" then bruno finally talked "not unless you want me to because—" you looked at him "I have a fear of the dark" you said unison and then you both laughed "you were saying there was two other rooms right?" then bruno slightly nodded and then I looked at him "I think I'm gonna switch rooms if that's okay-" bruno nodded quickly
{~meanwhile With the family~}

"They're about to leave the room" Dolores looked at the family "don't worry I got this!" Luisa ran to Bruno's room and locked n blocked the door "there they can't leave until they confesses their love for him!" The siblings and cousins aunties and uncles high five each other "mission accomplished!" Isabella smirked and yawned "I'm going to bed" the family agreed that they would too so they did
{~in Bruno's room~}
i I tried to open the door and noticed it was locked it I was confused "what the hell?" Bruno looked at me "huh...that's weird- hey at least it's not just you and me and the rats!" I looked at bruno very confused "we have—" he threw on his hoodie "IM HERNANDO AND IM SCARED OF NOTHING" then I giggled he smiled at me seeing me so happy
{~Bruno's POV~}

They had such a big smile on their face I wanna make them smile more I'm
Glad I can make other people happy then I ran to my closet and went to put on my bucket "I AM JORGE I MAKE SPACKLES!" They laughed more and I smiled "who would you like to protect you tonight?" I nervously smiled then they responded with "hernando please?" I smiled and nodded and threw the bucket off putting on my hood and sat on the bed and held my arms out "Come to me hernando will protect you!" They sat in my lap and cuddled me and we laid down together they drifted to sleep I wanted to kiss their head but I was too scared just incase they woke up

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