The confession

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It was morning everybody was up and ready to eat breakfast until you remember the door was locked and blocked you bang on the door so the Bruno "hey let us out of here!!" Then he heard Isabella snap back and say "not until you tell him how you feel" your face went red and didn't say anything Bruno look at you "hey, Y/N what does she mean?" Then you sighed " this isn't gonna be easy but Bruno Madrigal...." There was a long pause then you looked up at him "I have feelings for you ok?..I'm sorry it's wrong for me to have feelings for you at this age and you're 50" then you heard the door unlock and something moved you quickly swing the door open and ran off crying you didn't want to tell him like this you did want to tell him but not yet. The madrigals Felt bad but they decide to leave you alone knowing you wouldn't want some alone time
{~weeks later~}
It was Christmas and you went to go hang out with your friend you only stuck with her nobody else in the family after what happened then he felt a light tap on your shoulder you turned around and saw Bruno standing there he nervously waved then he looked at you and said "hey can I talk to you? Like alone?" You nodded then he grabbed your hand you walked off with him " what's up bruno" you ask him he gave you small puppy dog eyes and then said "Y/N whenever I'm around you I have butterflies in my stomach and I get sweaty that's why I was never able to tell you how I felt back because I was scared" you looked at him and smiled slightly then hugged him. Bruno hugged back and smiled and then you kissed him we're not just sitting there he didn't know how to kiss back since he's never been with somebody "silly kiss me back!" He nodded and kissed back then grabbed your waist and then pulled away " did I do it right?" He asked then you nodded and smiled "i I got to go I'll see you later?" Bruno nodded as a response
{~after in Bruno's room~}
Bruno had asked you a very serious question because he has never been intimate nor in a relationship with somebody "hey...uhm...Y/N how does sex work?..." you literally choked on your words "w-why are you asking bruno?" He looked away since he wasn't good with eye contact "i uhm...well I wanna be ready whenever you are..." you blushed and smiled then you put your hand on Bruno's face "bruno listen, I'll be ready when your ready...I love you too but I'll only do it when your comfortable ok?..." you two kissed and he hugged you

(OKAY so like when there is a smut I'm going to have two separate parts one for the guys and one for the girls so like if you're a girl you're going to end up being pregnant if you're a dude you're probably gonna talk with Bruno and adopt a kid)

{~Bruno's POV~} (this part is for the girls)
The thing was I was ready but I didn't want them to know that or come off too strong but the thing was I'm 50 and you never know something to could happen I want kids and I wanna have them- "Y/N I WANT KIDS BECAUSE I WANT TO MAKE MY FAMILY PROUD AND CARRY ON OUR LEGACY!!" (Lmao Hamilton) then they looked at me with surprised look on their face then they kissed me deeply

(The guys)
The thing was I was ready to have sex hey I mean I was with the person I loved they were about to say something but I cut them off "Y/N I wanna have sex with the person I love which is you okay?" They had a shocked look on the their face then they kissed me deeply


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