Catching The Killer Ch. 1

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3rd Person POV

The security guard is inside the parts and service room working on the generator, while working on the generator he's holding his flashlight in his mouth. Unknowingly to the security guard William Afton stuck into Freddy Fazbear's pizzeria holding a fire axe and hid in the shadows, wait for the opportunity strike. The security guard wasn't aware that the night started but figured out when the handle to the parts and service door began to shake. The security guard panicked and hid behind the table, turning his flashlight off. The door opened there was Bonnie. The sounds of Bonnie's giant metal feet hit the floor the security guard keeps very close to the table but Bonnie knows he's there. Bonnie was gonna look over table but stopped when he heard the sounds of a axe striking metal. Bonnie focused on the sounds and started walking to them, leaving and closing the door. Leaving the security guard to catch his breath after the near death momentThe security guard got up, turned his flashlight on and saw no in the room with him. He opened the door to the parts and service to but couldn't open it fully because something was blocking the door. He pushed the door but to no avail, so with he kicked the door and it surprisingly opened it. And what was blocking the door was not something but someone. Bonnie's remains flopped over showing all the damage he took to his back, his arms and head.

Security guard "What the hell's happening here?!"

The security guards attention was brought off by the sounds of a sharp weapon striking the wall. The security guard took out his pistol and shined his flashlight down the hall. He heard the sounds of a weapon, like a axe striking repeatedly into metal. The security guard looked down the hallway to see the body of Freddy, or the remains at least. And another was foxy but someone was on top of him and none other then William Afton is there. The security guard knew who William Afton is and what he's done. The security guard held his gun out to William Afton keeping him there so he doesn't make any sudden moves.

William Afton "Put the gun down. This doesn't involve you."

Security guard "Bullshit, you're going to jail and are going to rot in a prison cell."

William Afton "Well I can't leave any witnesses so..."

Security guard "Really? In your situation, you  don't look like you got a cha-" *Boom*

William Afton snuck out his pistol and shot the security guard in the thigh, the security guards leg shot out blood through his thigh and he feel to the floor. William leaped on him with the fire axe trying to gut him. The security guard dropped his flashlight giving them both light to see each other. The  security guard was shot in the left thigh making running not a option. Only one person is getting out this fight alive, and it might be William considering the advantage he has. The security guard with one hand tries to hold off the axe and the other is on the hand around his neck. William overpowered the security guard and got ready to do a down word swing, but just in time the security guard grabbed his axe stopping him.
Seeing his opportunity the security guard went in for a headbutt which proved to be very good, stunning William but also very painful for both. Blood started bushing out of Williams nose and he leaned back. The security guard pushed William off him and got on top and tried to choke him with the axe. With the adrenaline pumping in his blood the security was going all out but the same thing with William. The security guard trying to choke William was slowly failing as William was slowly overpowering him. So the security guard went in for some quick punches to the kidneys severely weakening William.

The security guard manage to get close enough to start choking William with the handle of the axe, which made him panic holding the axe but lashing out. William managed to kick the security guard in his private area ouch making him lossing his strength all together. William tried to get on top of the security guard again but the security guard manage to back up and get some distance from William. While crying inside due to his probably lack of balls, the security guard and William are scrolling. William with his fire axe and the security guard with his baton. William, fine besides a few punches to his kidneys which that hurt like hell and the security guard with a bullet wound to his left thigh and a kick to the balls.
William did a horizontal swing to the security guard which me managed to dodge but barely, the head of the axe grazed his ribs, only cut a centimeter of flesh. The security guard hissed in pain as small amounts of blood dropped from his chest. The security guard picked up the flashlight and blinded William and hit his right knee which made it give out and making him fall. William fell to the floor while the security guard grabbed onto his axe and repeatedly striking his chest and stomach with the baton. The strikes being strong enough to break a rib makes William spit out some blood. While repeatedly striking William, William reached for the flashlight while defending himself. Once he got it he hit the security guard on the head knocking him to the floor.

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