The New Pizzaria Ch. 2

271 12 5

Flat Monty

Security guard's POV

I feel the truck come to a stop and hear the doors open. The two girls close the doors and I can hear them coming to the trunk to open it. The door opens and it's day time. 'Damn, it's been a whole day already?'

Brown hair "C'mon let's get this stuff inside. I'm tried, and wanna go home."

Blonde "You said it, I'm beat."

They start picking up boxes and one by one they finish and all that's left is me. The Brown haired girl takes me down in a dollie and start pushing me to the new pizzeria. We were in the back so I couldn't see the sign or what the building actually is. 'Man this pizzaria is massive.' We entered through the back door to a dark room with what sounds like a fans and generators. They propped me against the door and turned the lights on. They closed the door and the two girls sighed. The Brown haired girl picked me up once again and propped me against the wall, along with the boxes of the last pizzeria.

Brown hair "This is were your staying for the time being, so do us a favor and don't move. Though a old run down piece of junk more then likely can't move so it'll be fine."

The two girls started to walk away. I peeked up a little bit which was enough to make the dollie lean over and fall, causing me to land face first into the floor. The fall hurt but combined with the pushing and moving my springlocks, put me in excruciating pain. With every fiber on my body I tried my hardest not to move or make a noise. The two girls stop to look at me on the floor and they both sighed heavily.

Brown hair "God, I really want to just leave it there."

Blonde "But you know Mariusu isn't going to like that."

Brown hair "I know. *Sigh* C'mon help me sit it against the wall.

They both walked up to me and unstrapped me from the dollie, but just like last time they couldn't get me up. I try to not make it obvious but like last time I push myself up a little giving them some help. They managed to sit me up and put me leaning against the wall. And with one last sigh both the girls get up and leave the room, leaving me alone. After waiting a few more seconds, I hear nothing and look up to see the room I'm in. Just looking around Hurst my eyes, I as always go with the pain and examine the room. It's decent sized room, with very little light, like three light bulbs and that's it. And a few fans. I attempt to get up but my springlocks tighten causing me to sit back down and endure the pain. All I let out was a quiet hiss of pain and laid back against the wall and sighed, which also hurt. I was gonna do one attempt but the door handle started turning so I sat back down and closed my eyes. The door opens and I can hear what sounds like five pairs of feet enter the room.

They walk up to me, but I realized that their feet sounded metallic. So either the bottom of the shoes were metal or they had metal feet, which wouldn't make sense. Who the hell would replace their foot with a metal prosthetic? I push the thought aside as they all get close and look at me. One of them crouches down to me and tap my mask more then likely trying to get a reaction or move out of mez but I just stay still and don't do anything. I can hear them sigh and stand back up.

Female robot? 1 "I don't think this thing works

FR is female robot

FR? 2 "Wow I didn't know. Seeing how damaged it is, I'm pretty sure it works."

FR? 1 "Forget I even said anything."

FR? 3 "Girls stop. We came here to see the new animatronic, not fight."

The second girl to talk sighed and walked away and left the room, leaving only four now. They all sigh and get closer to me.

FR? 4 "What's gotten into fredya? She's acting a bit more bitchy then usual."

'I take is the girl that left is fredya.'

FR? 3 "I don't know, it has something to do with finding ol' scrappy here."

FR? 5 "Odd."

FR? 3 "What is it Goldie?"

'Oh no.'

FR? 3 "What's this switch do?"


The one that I presume is Goldie flipped my switch that is located right behind me neck. This switch is something they would use in this animatronic back them to make it sing and move. To put it simple, it's my singing switch. Switch it and I sing and move. What's bad about it is I can't control my movement whatsoever, so it makes me move to lengths I would never because if the springlocks. The time I figured this switch out was when I first put on the suit and died. It was the most amount of pain I've ever felt in all my life and it's about to happen again.

I feel my body getting up and the springlocks tugging on my flesh and bones. I looked up and opened my eyes to see what looked like four female animatronics. I looked at then confused by their design until the pain kicked in, or more like bulldozed because it fucking hurt.

[Not mine, just found it off YouTube.]

My arms pick up and mimicked me playing a guitar and my voice boxes started playing some old school music. The girls looked at me confused and a little scared but oh wait, the worse is to come.


All the moving and looked around was to much pain to hold in. As the voice boxes was singing, the sounds of a man screaming in pain with a raspy voice screamed for it to stop. The golden one came to me and flipped the switch back which thank god it stopped it. I fell back on the wall and leaned against it and tried my hardest not to move. As I'm doing this I can hear the girls frickin out, I managed to endure the pain and it slowly went away. I stand back up and look at the girls who are currently shitting their pants.



Security guard "Maybe if you stop yelling and calm down I'll tell you."

They all catch their breath and calm down, but I can see them still cautious of me. Don't blame them, a seven foot something robotic rabbit standing right in front of them. The first on to talk was the chicken.

FR 3 "Who the heck are you, and what happened to you?"

Security guard "I'm- I am- I- I can't remember."

FR 3 "What do you mean you can't remember? You should know your name, and do you even have a name?"

Security guard "I have a name, it's just been so long I've forgotten. But give me sometime and I'll remember, and for what's happened to me? That's a whole new can of worms."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2022 ⏰

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